Saturday, September 17, 2011


He fills the gaping orifice
With tantalizing sweetness

Then glides smoothly, down
A long tunnel,
Ending in a cavernous space
Where he lies with me
Locked in embrace for a long,
Long time, before he decides
To leave me, never to return.

I sorrow for my lost love,
But soon, there is another
Lover, taking his place in my
Affections, and the caresses
Begin again.

Before long, that lover decides
To leave me, also, then another
And another. They stay for just
A short while, then tear themselves
away from me, and leave.

There are many; I'm never
At a loss for lovers.

But why, oh why, do they always,
Always leave me ?

Wrote this back in 1997, August 1st.
Don't know what prompted me to
write it, but here it is.

Can you answer my question ?
If so, please leave a comment. If not, also,
please leave a comment. Be honest, now.

I love all of you, my sweet family
and friends.
Be kind to yourself, and everyone else.
We all have to live on this planet,
hopefully in peace.
Count your many blessings. I do.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


What is perfection ?
Who's to say exactly what constitutes perfection ?
We all seem to strive for this be perfect, in our work, our marriages, our
child-rearing abilities, etc.
We feel that, in order to be accepted by society, we need to have all the latest fashions,
appliances for the home, new cars, etc.
Why do we invest so much time and energy into aiming for perfection ?
We are fine, just as we are !
None of us has ever been, or ever will be perfect.
We are human, and humans, with all our complexities, and screwed-up personalities
cannot be perfect.

It's different things to different people...shallow people think that if we can't have the
latest whatever, or one is not pretty or handsome, according to their ideas, then we
fall short of perfection.
We are all perfect just the way we are...just the way we look, talk and walk .
We are just as God made us, and he doesn't make mistakes, and those who think otherwise are sorely mistaken.

Look in the mirror...that's perfection . That's who you are. That's who your family
and True friends love...the real you, not some artsy-fartsy, phoney, plastic-enhanced
person. but you, the one in the mirror.
None of us will ever attain the kind of perfection that society demands . Their idea of 'perfection' is skewed !
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, someone once said . If those with whom we associate see nothing but our flaws , then they are not true friends. If we don't measure up to their standards of living, and of beauty, then we are not worth their time to bother with us.
Those who love us see beyond those things, and look into our hearts , and feel the love we have for them, and that is beautiful, and that is perfection.

May we all keep loving one another, no matter what we have or don't have, no matter how we look as we get older. Love never gets old, never changes.

I love all of you, my sweet family and friends, always will.
Keep loving each other.


Friday, July 29, 2011


Seeing, not with the eyes, but
With every beat of the heart

Feeling, not with touch, but with
The soul's yearning

Wanting, with every nerve a-tingling
Yet, unsure,
Turning, walking away,

Never knowing he, too,
And felt, and wanted,

But, lacking the courage
To reach out...

Sadly, he watched as she
Walked away.

Two souls, never knowing
What might have been

Never tasting
The love that was waiting

This is a departure for me,
something I haven't tried before.
Not feeling really comfortable
with this style, but, seeing
the success of others, thought
I'd give it a try.
What do you think ? Should I
do more like this, or stick
with what seems to be
what you like, what has worked,
so far, anyway.

Let me know what you
honestly think. I value your

Love you all. Keep being
kind to each other, always.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Before we ever came to Earth
We wrote our destiny
Of how our lives would unfold
Of how our lives would be

The happy times; the bad ones
Were scripted long ago
We made our choices way back then
Of how our lives would flow

We set down all the illnesses
The many kinds of pain
We chose the things that 'happen'
Repeating them again

We knew just what was needed
From the previous mistakes
Which wrongs should now be righted
Before our soul awakes

For once our journey's over
And we go Home to stay
We can look back at the lives we lived
And we can finally say

Although it took us many lives
And life on Earth was Hell
We stuck to what we scripted
We learned our lessons well

Monday, July 18, 2011

Well, now that I have maps to look at, am finding a few mistakes in my previous
writings. Nothing glaring, just mistaken faulty memories of a few things.
Nothing major, but I like to be as accurate as possible when relating these childhood memories. : )

First of all, the high school some of us attended, Roxbury Memorial High School, was NOT at Warren and Quincy streets, like I'd always thought. According to the map, it was on Townsend St., near Humboldt Ave. It looks like Quincy turned into Townsend, and if that's correct, you can see why I always thought it was on Quincy St. Humboldt Ave. runs parallel to Warren St. but further up.

Next mistake was the park we went to as children, and in which the picture that your cousin Sue blew up and framed for us, took place. It was NOT Warren St. Park. It was Washington Park, on Washington St. Boy, did I have these things wrong. I'm so
glad to have these street maps, so I can see the mistakes, and can correct them. I want you kids to have as accurate a rendering of events as possible.

Next is a really minor goof. Remember I said the little neighborhood store, Mary's, was on the corner of Ingleside at Blue Hill Ave. ? Mistaken again. When looking at the map, I could see that it was on a closer street than that, on the corner of Dove St. and B. H. Ave.

As I continue finding any mistakes, or misperceptions, I'll post them. May not mean anything to you kids, but I've always wanted to be correct whenever possible.
Boy, sometimes our brains get an idea, and we assume it's the right one. Look at how many years I've had these incorrect perceptions ! Hahaha...shows that these old brains of ours can really fool us sometimes !

I'm SOooo glad to have these maps...they help so much.

Oh, maybe you've noticed a street there, near Maywood, called Tupelo . That's where Louie West and family lived. He's the family friend who took Grandpa to the hospital when he severed an artery years ago, while carving a turkey, remember ?

Ok, this is gonna be a short one...just wanted to make these corrections.

I hope your cousin Sue is full of excitement and renewed hope for her future. She
should have everything she needs now to conduct her life in the way she wants,
and find some joy and happiness in her life. I'll keep praying for her, and always
hold her in my heart. I love her very much .

You, my sweet, oh, so precious children, are always in my heart, and my thoughts,
and will remain there always, now and forever.
Be good and kind to one another, always, and love and show forgiveness if and when it ever becomes necessary.
Find the joyful moments and cherish them.

I love you all more than words can say. you know that. I am so proud of all of you,
and so thankful you chose me to be your Mom.

More later.


Friday, July 15, 2011


The flat we lived in on Blue Hill Ave, was on the second floor, over a Hardware store, Kramer's.
Anne, who was 19, got a job there, don't know what her work was, though. That flat was very close to the corner of Quincy St.
Phyllis was in Patrick T. Campbell Jr. High. Betty was at Horace Mann School, and Paul was at Phillips Brooks Elementary, across the Avenue, and down a ways on Quincy St. along with me, I think .

Fay and I would walk home from school, as far as Blue Hill Ave. I would go across, and walk the few steps to Maywood St. up a few houses to my home, right there, and she would have to walk way up the Avenue to her home. Think she was too far out of the district to be going to our school, so her folks must have gotten permission to have her attend there. I don't remember Paul walking back and forth with me, but he must have. I remember him going to our previous school at Julia Ward Howe, and us being together there.

On winter days when I stayed home, for whatever reason, I'd look out the bedroom window that overlooked the Avenue, and watch people trying to walk in all the dirty slush from the snow, and all the cars and streetcars going by. That was the most cars I ever saw any place, because it was a main thoroughfare. Seemed like an awful lot of them.

But once we moved from there to 61 Maywood St. just two streets over from Quincy St., we hardly ever saw a car on our street. We kids could play in the street sometimes, without much chance of getting run over. Mostly what traffic there was there were horse-drawn wagons, driven by men yelling out their wares, fruit and vegetables, mostly, and the rag man who collected rags, newspapers, and odd things like aluminum foil or the balls of string my father saved, etc. That guy would holler 'Rags, any old rags ' ! Then, if my Dad had anything to sell, he or Mamma would let the man know to come up the three flights to our flat.

You can look at that map now to see how close we were to school, and to the Savin St. Clinic, that was a block long, from Savin St. to Maywood, because of that big fenced-off cemented area, where I've mentioned before how we got under the sprinklers there in the summertime. I don't know what the purpose of all that area...don't remember ever seeing cars parked in there. Odd.
Anyway, by looking at the map, you can picture some of the things. How about the big, green water fountain I've spoken of before ? It was right on the sidewalk, near to the street, right between Savin St. and Maywood St, halfway between. can't you just picture that ??

To go to Kasanof's Bakery, we would walk from our flat there on Maywood, down to Blue Hill Ave, just a short walk, then, go left on B. H. Ave, just another short walk, and we were at the bakery ! If we were going to Dewey St. Drugstore, we had to cross the Avenue, and continue walking another short way to get there.

Sometimes, during the winter, Mamma would send Paul and I, pulling his wagon, to the National D store to get bags of 'coke', a fuel for the stove. It was cheaper than coal. Our Daddy had hurt his back from all the bags he used to haul on his back, and it caused a hump from all the coke he carried, so when we were old enough, we would do it, with the wagon.

The National D store was not a supermarket, much smaller, and painted a bright blue. It was just a little further than Dewey Drugs, on that same side of the street.
Right ON Dewey St. was a little Mom and Pop store, where we could get cups of sherbet, or 5 cent grab-bags full of candy. You didn't know what kind of candy until it was opened. Usually, they put some pretty good stuff in there ! Didn't get those too often...nickels were hard to come by.

One of the streets you can see on the map is Waverly. The Pastor of our church, Dudley St. Baptist church, lived there with his wife. Don't recall if they had a family or not. They were very sweet to us kids, had us to their home sometimes. I've mentioned before, how Pastor Brooks looked a lot like the Monopoly game man, a little chubby man like that, mustache and all. such a nice man, too. He would give all us kids a geranium plant during church services, to take home to our mothers on, I think, Mothers' Day. I was always thrilled to have something to give to Mamma !!

Ok, think that's enough for today. Now you can have some fun looking at the street map, and putting all the stories together with where everything happened. I hope you have fun doing it !

Until next time, I love you all so much, my precious children, and grandchildren., nieces and nephews. You all mean the world and more, to me. Always stick together, and be kind to one another .



Yesterday, I decided to Google a bakery from the neighborhood I lived in as a child.
The bakery is still located where it was way back in the 1940's, in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where I and all my siblings were born and raised . On Blue Hill Avenue.
Actually, the bakery isn't there, but the land is, over 3 acres. A new development is being planned and built there, more housing for the people living in the area .
That bakery, Kasanof's, had some of the best bread, and desserts one could ever hope to eat !

They are still in existence, just in different locations. Wonder if their desserts are anywhere near the succulent goodness they once were ! When you bought a piece of cheesecake, or mocha cake, or fruit squares, etc., you were in for a taste treat like no other !! Couldn't beat the price, either ! The portions were huge !! And for 15 cents each !! More than enough for two people to have their fill !

My big sister, Anne, would hand me the 15 cents ( no tax ) and send me to Kasanof's for one of their immense chunks of delicious cheesecake. When I brought it back, she'd cut off a big piece for me, and we'd eat it right there in her bedroom...yummmmmmm !!! So good ! Any time she asked me to go for some, I didn't hesitate, b/c I knew she'd reward me with a big, old piece of it !! Mmmm, those were the days !

All their goodies were so tasty ! The fruit squares, as they were called, were of such variety ! I remember that my sister, Phyllis's favorite was the fig square. I had a lot of 'favorites'...the lemon, the apple, the blueberry...maybe others, can't recall. They were so delicious, and, as mentioned before, huge portions !! Fifteen cents was a lot of money in those days, but you got your money's worth, that's for sure !!

Mamma would send us to buy the day-old bread, for a dime, I think. Good bread, cheap price. Loved their rye bread, either the 'Jewish' rye, or the pumpernickel rye...good stuff !!

So, as I said, finding the bakery was so wonderful...lots of childhood memories tied up in that bakery, and the field behind it, one we kids called 'The Tannery'.
Better yet, was seeing a street map of that old neighborhood, all those wonderful, old streets still there, in the order in which I remember them . Each of those streets hold fond memories for me !

When we moved from Willis Terrace down near Dudley St. way back in the 1930's, some time after my brother, Paul, was born, we moved to Dewey St., quite a distance away. That had to be by horse and wagon, b/c my Dad never drove, as far as I know, and we were still in the transition from horse-drawn wagons to cars, the tail-end of that era.

I was probably about 5 years old when that move from 4 Willis Terrace, to 24 Dewey St. was made, so maybe early in 1935, I'm guessing.
Dewey St. was hilly. The top of it was at Blue Hill Ave., then it sloped down, and we lived at the last house on one side, number 24, on the bottom floor. the young guys, Tony and at least one brother, and, I guess, their parents, lived on the second, or middle, floor. they were always nice to all of us. The boys delivered ice, in a truck, not a wagon pulled by a horse. They're the ones, who, as I mentioned in one of my earlier 'Memories' posts, took me to the hospital, Boston City Hospital, wrapped up in a blanket, when I was 6 years old. Now I forget what for, maybe pneumonia ? Hope that info is in another memory post, b/c I'm drawing a blank just now. : )

On the top, or third floor, lived Sonny Spring and his family. He was bigger than me (wasn't everybody), and maybe a year older. Or not...maybe the same age. He was my 'boyfriend' . In my mind, anyway ! Neat boy...used to give me rides on the scooter he made, from a wooden crate, and a thick, short board, on which he nailed some old-fashioned roller skates. He used to let me sit in the box, and he'd give me rides in our neighborhood. That was fun !
During winter time, when there was ice in the gutter, from when there had been rain, and it would freeze, I'd slide on that little bit of ice. Thought that was fun. Simple pleasures ! Oh, the school I attended was John Winthrop Elementary. It was on the street running along the bottom of Dewey St. Not sure of that street's name. There's one on the map, beginning with the letter D, maybe that was it.

Then, around late 1939, or early 1940, from Dewey St. we moved to 13 Maywood St. on the Warren St. end of Maywood (look at the map and you can see those areas). Again, Daddy packed up the horse and wagon. I've mentioned this before, also. Stayed there not too long, Attended Julia Ward Howe Elementary while at that address ! That was close to Nana Lambert's house, so Paul and I would sometimes go to see her. Remember I mentioned that she and her husband had a dog, Peggy, who had a litter of puppies one day while we were there, and we got to see them being born ?

I remember we lived on Blue Hill Ave. in 1940, and the first half of 1941. While there, attended Phillips Brooks Elementary . Stayed there until getting promoted from the 6th grade. That was maybe in 1942. When we moved there, I met Fay Sodekson, who became my best friend. She and her family were Jewish, but don't think they were orthodox . Never heard Fay speak of going to Temple, or of going to Hebrew classes like some of the boys in the neighborhood did. Maybe the girls didn't get to go. Anyway, Fay and I went to Phillips Brooks together, then later, to Patrick T. Campbell Jr. High, and, later yet, to Roxbury Memorial High school. She and I were very close, so close, we stole together ...once ! Real hard-boiled criminals, we were !! : )
On this note, think I'm gonna stop for now. will write more later.

Loving all this reminiscing, since my 'happy discovery' yesterday, and want to write the rest, but tired now, so will pick up where I'm leaving off, later on.

I love this, and love sharing my happiness with you.
Until later.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today my niece, Sue, posted a picture
of my late father, Edward C. Boyden.
I had seen this pic only once before,
when Sue had made DVD's for each of
her cousins and me, of her Mom,
Anne A. Hadfield on some occasion.
I don't think that was a birthday DVD,
but could be wrong.

Anyway, Sue had included this picture
of her grandfather on that DVD. When I
viewed that DVD, it evoked a chuckle,
but today, upon seeing it here on
Facebook, I said, "That's my Daddy",
and burst into tears !!

Why the strong reaction ? I don't
really know, unless it's related to the fact
that my big sister just passed on Memorial
Day, just 9 days ago, and that is still very
fresh in my mind.
I've been having those
thoughts that I think most folks have
when they lose someone as close as a
sibling . You know, thinking, 'I'll have to
ask Anne', or 'I'm going to call Anne
to tell her' something. Or a book or TV
show you want to discuss with her, or
want to ask her about how to make
some dish you want to eat,
temporarily forgetting that she's
no longer here to talk to.

Maybe because of that so recent loss
of my beloved sister, Anne,
the picture of my father brought
a renewed sense of loss, and the
tears were just barely below the surface,
ready to erupt at any time.

It was sweet of Sue to post this one
of my Dad, and I thank her for it.
Made me very happy to see him.

She has been going through her Mom's
old pictures, letters and cards, and
posting some pictures on F/B that I've never
even seen before. I love that, and hope
she keeps on doing it.

That way, too, some family members,
who never got to meet their ancestors
can see what they looked like. I hope
all these younger relatives enjoy seeing
their great-grandparents, and great
aunts and uncles, etc.

So, thanks to Sue Hall, we all can
enjoy these lovely and some funny
family pictures.

Thank you, sweetheart...keep posting !

I love you, loved your Mom, and love
seeing these pictures. Please put more
and more, as you come across them.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Am I happy ?
Yes, I'm as happy as I allow myself to be.
Do I not have any worries or concerns ?
Of course I do, but will not allow myself
to become down-hearted and depressed.

It doesn't help, but impedes my thinking,
my hope that things will get better.

I refuse to let the worries I have
about my family's health problems
get me down .
Rather, I subscribe to the school
of thought that things will improve,

draw towards us that which we desire,
in this case, happiness, and better health.

Is it possible to be happy in this
crazed, greedy, corrupt, war-torn
world ?
I say, Yes, but it will take work,
concentration, focus to bring about
the atmosphere with which I,
or we, desire to surround ourselves.

Diligence in watching our thought
patterns can bring this about.

But, neglecting to maintain the
positive atmosphere, can make the
Law of Attraction work just the
opposite, and bring about that which
we do not want, that which we fear
and in which we despair. Those things
will be attracted to us; the very things
we want to put out of our lives.

It takes strength and determination
to remain steadfast in attracting
what we want in our lives. We
can't let our thoughts flit about
willy-nilly, if we want any measure
of control, any measure of
peace of mind.

We must guard against those
destructive thoughts of
unworthiness, self-pity, and worry
asserting themselves again,
if we ever hope to have what
we want in our lives, some measure
of happiness and contentment.

So, yes, it is possible to be
relatively happy, but we must
work towards that end.

A field lying fallow
does not produce anything,
but a field that is enriched with
the necessary nutrients, and
worked on daily, diligently, will
produce an abundant, luscious crop !

Our minds are those fields, and
if we daily feed it good, positive
thoughts, we will see an abundance
of joy and contentment.

And that should make us happy.

Please, all of you, count the blessings
you have now, and be content.

I love each and every one of you,
my super-large family. You all
are very special to me.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"Will true Spirit come forward, please?"
Nobody moves.
They all just stand there, some looking down, some staring straight ahead,
yet others watching each other in expectation.
"Who will step forward?"
Again, silence.

After a very long time, a shadowy, dark form moves slowly out of the crowd.
It shuffles toward the speaker.
"No, no, you're not're too dreary; full of sadness and suffering.
I feel much misery in you. Go back.

Another glides forward, smiling provocatively, "Will I do" ? it asks .
"You can't be Spirit. You pursue only pleasure and thrills. Go back to your place.

"Perhaps I'm the one you're looking for". Another has spoken.
It marches forward smartly, in true military fashion, clicking it's heels, as it stops
directly in front of Speaker.
Speaker looks Military up and down, feeling the ugliness of war, hate and killing.
Speaker orders it back.

"Hey, Dude, maybe I'm your guy." Oh boy, this one is even less like Spirit
than the others. As it comes forward in it's filthy garb, it is just finishing a can of beer,
which it casually tosses aside. After an enormous belch, it pops a cigar in it's mouth
and lights it, strutting all the while. As it comes closer, Speaker recoils from the stench,
and tells that one to return.

Another approaches. then another and another, each claiming to be Spirit, until at last,
they have all been seen.
But none of them have the magical child-like essence that only Spirit possesses.
Spirit must be gone, forever.
Speaker is very disheartened, and turns to leave.
But, wait !

A tiny voice is heard, from way in back of the pack, muffled by the density of the crowd.
A hush comes over them.
"Wait", it says. I'm here. I am Truth and Light and Love".

The crowd parts, and a brilliant radiance fills the room, so bright that they have to
shield their eyes.
It steps forward, almost floating, as it moves gracefully towards Speaker.
Speaker knows in his heart that this is true Spirit .

"But where have you been? Where did you go?, Speaker asks.
'I've been so lonely, and have had such an emptiness in me".

"I've been here all the time, but it became so dark and crowded, my light was extinguished,
and I fell asleep. I was hidden under all the misery, ignorance, fear and pretense. But, now,
you have exposed them for what they are, and have taken their power from them.
I've awakened from my sleep, and I'm here to be with you always".

Spirit moves toward Speaker, arms outstretched, and melts right into Speaker's body.
Speaker is at once filled with love, warmth and radiant energy.
"Never again will I allow myself to lose Spirit", he says.

I wrote this on April 10, 1993
There were a couple of lines at the end, that I have left out. They don't seem to fit any more.
This seems to fit in somewhat with my last piece here, I think. Hope you all enjoy it.

I love all of you.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


Darkness can be frightening
Can't see anything, therefore
one becomes full of fear.
We cannot see in the dark,
unlike animals whose eyes allow
them to see perfectly.

Darkness of the Spirit
is more frightening.
If one embraces that darkness,
he cannot see what is ahead of him,
any more than when there is
artificial light to see by, or any
sunlight to illuminate our Earth,
or moonlight to give a gentle
glow in the evening.

The inner darkness is
all-pervasive; it keeps out,
blocks any light, any hope
of being able to see beyond the dark.

Bad feelings ... hurt, pain, anger,
despair, sadness, confusion, terror,
unworthiness, dread, violence
and loneliness reside in that place.

To embrace darkness is to close
oneself off from light, to choose
to be in that self-imposed prison
from which there may be
no escape, no hope.

If one chooses to wallow in
all that mud of bad feelings,
all that muck, is to condemn
oneself to a life of misery.

There is hope, a way out,
if one chooses to take it, to
escape from that awful prison.
He must face those feelings,
confront each of them, and make
the decision to conquer them,
put them out of existence,
once and for all time.

The darkness is very powerful,
but you are more powerful than
your feelings.
You must gather up your strength
to be able to face down these demons,
Don't let them conquer you !
Examine each one, find it's flaws,
its weaknesses.

You must take control of your
own mind and heart, and
defeat your enemy, those terrible
feelings that have grabbed hold
of you, and don't want to let go.

Feelings are intangible, without
substance. You, your mind, is real,
and only you can pull yourself up
out of the muck and mire of
bad feelings. Only you can
chase those bad feelings away.
Take control, and free yourself
from that cold, damp prison cell.

I hope you will carefully read
these words, and take them to heart.
You MUST take control and stop
letting these rotten feelings run
rampant through your mind and heart.
You CAN do it; others have done it,
and you have to fight hard, every day,
every time one of these negative feelings
comes over you. Stop and look at it, see
how weak it really is, and without your
consent, it really has NO power.
When the next one comes along, do
the same thing. As you do this to each
of them, they will lose whatever power
they have had over you, and you can then,
as the saying goes, 'kick it to the curb'.
It won't be easy, it will take strength
and vigilance to see it coming and
head it off, before it can do any harm.
As each one leaves, replace it with a
positive thought or feeling, and if
you do this consistently, one day, all
those lousy feelings will be a thing
of the past, and you will be full of,
if not actual happiness, at least
contentment, peacefulness, and serenity.

I am praying for you, please do this
for yourself. Never mind what the people
in your life say, their words do not matter.
What you say to yourself, what YOU
think, is what matters.
Take charge of your life, your destiny.

I love you.


Monday, April 4, 2011


Oh, no, the soul can not be lost.
It knows exactly where it is,
where it is going and why.

The human, however, CAN be lost,
floundering, not knowing who
he is, where he is, and
where he's going... or how
he is going to get there, or
even WHY he is going.

The human stumbles along,
meeting obstacle after obstacle,
and either learns how to overcome
each one he encounters, or
spends LIFETIMES, trying
to learn how to overcome them.

The human is frail, and can be
easily stumbled or confused,
whereas the soul possesses great
strength, and resources for knowing
who, what, how, where, when and why.

The soul has infinite patience
and can wait as long as necessary
to fulfill it's deep longing to
be 'Home' .

Although we sometimes have to
come back, again and again to
this life, we know that we were
sent here to learn something.
Once the soul becomes human,
it forgets the purpose, the reason
why it came to Earth. There is
a reason, but that reason becomes
lost or confused in the human
brain. It's there, but life's experiences
tend to keep it hidden or in
abeyance until such time as the soul
realizes it has fulfilled its purpose
here on Earth and is ready to go
to its original HOME, to God,
to whom the soul belongs,
there to reside forever in peace,
harmony and love with all it's
fellow souls who have completed
their journeys as well.

I wrote this back in 1995, and just came across
it yesterday. thought it was pretty good,
so decided to post it in hopes that some
of you will enjoy it as well.

Keep counting your blessings, and know that we,
the human race, are all ONE.

I love you.


Sunday, March 27, 2011


What wonderful creatures are teenagers !
They're so complex, yet so
Mysterious .
Really in a category by themselves,
No longer children, yet not adults, either.
They can drive us to distraction, yet at times
Make us weep with joy.
Today, March 27th, 2011, my daughter,
Candy, sent me a group of pictures.
They were of a huge rock in Iowa,
That had been written on for
Generations of teenagers, all
Manner of things, from the simple
'Johnny loves Mary' stuff, to all kinds of
Profanity, etc.
Then, along comes this boy, this
Teenager, who looks at the rock and sees
So much more potential in it.
He brings his paints and brushes and
Sits down, studies this rock for a bit,
Before deciding just how to go about
Presenting his artistry.
He started to paint, and what he
Portrayed on that rock is something that
Will be looked at and talked about for
Years to come.
This teenager, this kid, made the rock
Into a Memorial for all those who serve
In the U.S. armed forces.
I will be sending the pictures to all on
My E-mail list, and hope you all will
Forward it to everyone on your lists.
Next time we think of how badly
Some teens are acting up, please
Give a thought to this boy, who, although
At the time he painted these memorable
Scenes from our country's history, was
Too young to know what war is all about,
Still seemed to have so much love and
Understanding in his heart, for the
Sacrifices made by so many, and made
A glorious Memorial to all those
Who have fought and / or died,
In all the wars in which
Our country has been engaged.
Next time some teenager is giving you a
Hard time, try to listen to them,
Try to see the point they're
Trying to make, try to make some sort of
Compromise, meet them half-way,
And love them as if there's no tomorrow,
Because sometimes there isn't.
Think of this particular boy, and know that
There are so many more, just like him
Who only need to be listened to, and
Understood, and loved, no matter what !
Teenagers truly are wondrous creatures !!

I hope all you parents who read this
will look into your hearts, and realize
how much we all influence our children.
Those of us beyond child-rearing age
can look back and see the mistakes
we made with our own kids, and hope
that today's parents of young kids
will learn from our mistakes and do
a better job of listening to their kids
and help them to become healthier,
better adjusted adults than some of
our kids turned out.
We weren't bad parents, just misguided,
bringing up our kids the only way we
knew ; the way we were brought up.
Whether right or wrong, they and then
we, did the best we could, with the
knowledge and experience we had.
The kids and teens of today have it
really rough, living in an unsure world,
not knowing whether we will have to
fight a war here in our own country,
which could be a possibility, the way
things are going, with so many wrong
choices being made, so much unrest
here and in the rest of the world, so
much fighting for domination and power.
The least we adults can do for these
young people, these teenagers, and even
those a little older, is to listen to their
problems, their grievances, and show
them that we are listening, really,
truly, hearing them, and that they can
count on us to be there for them,
whatever is happening, whatever to them
is so important, even to the boy/girl
dramas, which to them, means so much.
They need to know that we care enough
to listen, to hold them when they are in
anguish, to just sit quietly sometimes,
while they pour out their feelings.
We must, if there is to be any hope
for these precious kids, and for our
nation, which they will be running,
governing, some day in the future.

Remember, we all were teenagers once,
and whether we got what we needed
or not, from the experience, we know
what we felt, what we needed, and we
can call upon those memories, those
feelings, and try to do better with our kids
or grandkids.
We must not dwell upon the mistakes
we made in the past, we just have to
do our best to help our kids NOW.
The past is done and over with, we
have to deal with what is going on
at the present time. Our kids, and we,
ourselves are worth the time and effort.

Let's continue to count our blessings,
today and every day.
I love you all, my dearest ones.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


You know, when I speak to people,
especially those I love, I sometimes
want to get across a point that I feel
needs to be addressed, and think I do
it in such a way as to irritate them.
I sometimes speak a little louder
or use cuss words to emphasize
the point.

I don't mean to hurt anyone's
feelings, but think I do, unintentionally.
Sometimes I feel it's the only way
to make them understand; to feel
the importance of what I'm trying
to bring to their attention.

My voice is not unduly loud, so
sometimes have to raise it
to be heard.

Also, when excited, I sometimes
speak louder than intended, and
people think I'm angry. I'm not,
just so anxious to get the person
to understand what I'm trying to say.

Sometimes, I feel as though
I'll never be heard
unless I raise my voice.

Frustration sometimes
makes me louder.
When I feel someone isn't
really listening, isn't getting
the point I'm trying to make,
it is indeed, frustrating

So, if I've given any of you
the wrong idea, or getting you
upset or angry with me,
please re-think whatever
it is that we talked about,
and realize that I sometimes
come across differently
than was the intention.

I love everyone so much,
and would never do or say
anything to purposely
hurt you, so please realize
that I do get carried away
with my zeal. Sometimes.

I love you all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Many of us have
Deep in our psyches
Some very dark secrets
Buried deep inside
Where we don't have to
Look at them

Some for which we feel
So much shame
As to make us feel
Unworthy of others
Unworthy of love
Unworthy of even
Deserving to live

Vilifying ourselves
Allowing others to
Vilify us
Feeling we deserve it

The outward effects
Diminish our lives
Keeping us depressed
Confused, wondering
Not knowing
Why we have these feelings

Are there sins we committed
Or that others committed
Upon us
Deeds we omitted
Wondering why so many
things in life seem to go

We need to dig deep, find
The demons, uncover the
Bring them to the surface
To our conscious mind
Where we can look at them
And allow ourselves to
Feel the hate, disgust
Allow the tears of frustration,
Anger, sorrow, regret
All, to come out and
Deal with them

Come to the realization
That we are only, after all,
Human beings, with all
the vagaries of humanness
To control us
feeling shame, disgust and
Fear of being found out

So, we bury these
Secrets, experiences, memories
Down deep, along with
The emotions we felt
At the time
Keeping us from living life
to it's fullest, diminishing
Our joys and happiness

If never resolved
We will continue to
Our own private

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Every thought that comes into our minds,
every word that we utter goes out
into the Universe.
Each person has access to everyone else's
thoughts and words.
We need to be aware of this, and conduct
ourselves in such a way, so as to not think
or say hurtful or hateful things.
Our words and thoughts can be picked up
by anyone in the Universe, so we need
to think and speak kind words and
thoughts... not always easy to do ;
we're not Pollyanas.
We're human, and we do and say unkind
or thoughtless things --- I know I do,
but I never mean to hurt anyone. Of
course, I do hurt people, just as most
of us do, without it being our intention.
I strive to be a kinder, more understanding
person, yet I sometimes fall short.
Why ? Because, like you, I'm human,
with all the quirks and foibles that
being human entails.
To that end, we must try harder to
be good, decent love
ourselves and others, and to always
remember to be cognizant of what
we are thinking and saying.
It matters.


I wrote this on April 27, 2007.
We must be kinder, more loving
to ourselves and each other, and
hope that, in doing so, people now
and perhaps many years from now
will pick up on our good thoughts
and make a difference on this
earth, and the whole Universe.
Maybe one day, kindness and
love will rule our Universe, rather
than the greed and corruption
so prevalent now, in our time.
Is there hope for the human race
yet ? I pray it will be so.
Until such time, we must all
do our part, so that future generations
may benefit, and live in peace
and harmony.

Let's all count the many blessings
we have, and appreciate what and
who we have in our lives, now, and
also those we have loved , but are
gone. We can continue to love
them and keep their memory in
our hearts.

I love all of you, my sweet family.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Meg couldn't believe her eyes !
There was a Christmas stocking
hanging from the mantel !
She hadn't had one of those since
she was a child .
Where did it come from ?
Who had put it there ?
If her husband were alive, he
might have done it, but he'd died
two years ago .
She'd been looking for her wedding
ring ever since the day of the funeral .
Somehow, it had gotten lost, and
she'd been heartbroken. It was so
very special to her...all she had left
of Jim.
She shook her head and dried her tears,
and thought, 'Well, whoever had left
that stocking, I might as well
accept it'. She took it to her bedroom,
and sat cross-legged on her bed,
like she did when she was a little girl
and started emptying it...methodically,
the same way she did back then, one
item at a time.
A pretty bottle of perfume was at
the top...Obsession, her favorite !
then a package of Seashell stationery
she'd always liked . Next, a pair of
pearl-encrusted combs for her
long, dark hair that Jim used to remark
about . How he loved her shining,
luxurious hair !
Meg laughed, when she reached in
and pulled out a box of animal crackers.
That was one of her favorite stocking
treats when she was a child . There were
the other treats she remembered
receiving in her Christmas stockings ;
the box of filled Christmas candy, the
mixed nuts, the apple and orange...
oh ! it felt so good ; brought back such
happy childhood memories !
Near the bottom, she found an elegant
golden pair of dancing slippers, and
a tiny golden purse to match !
She and Jim had always danced
so well together. She was nearing
the bottom of the stocking now, and
she reached in for the expected coin,
like Santa had always given her, but
there, in the bottom, in the very
tippity- tip of the toe, was her
wedding ring !! She turned it around,
and found the inscription, 'For Meg,
I'll always be with you'... Jim .

I wrote this on November 30, 1997

I know it's a bit predictable, but I
enjoyed writing it. There's a little
of myself in there, with the food items
in the stocking. Every christmas my
sibs and I had those items in our
stockings, and we had a nickel in the
toe...pretty good money for a kid
back then. And, yes, we took our
stockings to our rooms and sat
like Meg, in the story, eating some
of our goodies.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the
story, juvenile though it seems now.



To those who, like me, have reached
a ripe, old age :

May you have good physical health
May you always be able to move
May you always be able to taste your food
May all your senses remain intact

May your brain continue to function
May you always know who and what you are
May you always be able to reason
May you always think young

May you always be able to see your children
and all your loved ones
May you always enjoy children's laughter
May you always hear your loved ones' voices

May you always retain the capacity to laugh
and enjoy a good joke
May you continue to enjoy the melodious
songs of the birds

May you enjoy many more sunrises
and sunsets
May you always feel and be
surrounded by love
May you always be forever young


I wrote this about a year ago, March, 2010,
and I wish this for not only myself, but all
us, as we grow older.
Time is passing so quickly now, seems like
even the young ones are growing old
right before our eyes !

So, it behooves everyone to enjoy life,
squeeze every bit of happiness into
every second, push the negative stuff
aside as quickly as possible, because
before you know it, you'll be where
I'm at now, saying, 'What the heck
happened ? Where did everything go,
and how did I get so old, so fast ?

Enjoy your lives, keep those you love
close to you, and invent ways to
be happy, not bored. don't waste time,
it's a precious commodity.

And share your love, be overly
generous with hugs and kisses, and
shower praise on all your loved ones,
for even their littlest efforts.

Be loving, kind, and compassionate ;
the same qualities you want extended to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read
my 'ramblings'.
I love you all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Each day we awaken is another gift from God.
What we do with each day is up to us.

Do we want to improve ourselves and
our relations with others ?
Or, do we sit and dream of what
Could have been, Should have been,
What wasn't done
What others did or said, or
What they didn't do or say.

Do we smile and say, let's see,
What can I do today, to
make my life worthwhile ?

Do we wish someone
would have done this for us,
or that for us ?
Or do we Seize each day, and
make the most of it ?

Do things for ourselves...
go out and buy a new purse, or
some other little luxury,
Go get our hair done,
go visit a friend,
Call, or write or E-mail ;
Send a card to someone,
letting them know you're
thinking of them.

What can I do with this day
the Lord has given me ?

I will try to be happy, to
make others smile,
to be glad, that they, too,
have another day to use
to help themselves, their
Families, friends and neighbors.

Even little things can
make a difference...
Make new friends ;
find the Joy in life.

We have but to open our eyes,
hearts and minds
to find it.
Grab onto it, share, and
spread it around.

Joy is contagious !

Rejoice in the fact that
You are Alive !!!


I wrote this on May 12, 2008
Don't recall what prompted it, perhaps
some of the very things that are contained herein.
Maybe I'd been sitting around, feeling something
was missing in my life ; that others should
somehow have helped to give my life
meaning. Or, perhaps, I was just waking up to
the fact that I am the one who can do
something to give myself a feeling of
fulfillment, no one else.
It's up to me to find ways to make
myself happy.

Well, whatever it was,
I'm glad I wrote this. Hope, after
reading it, you, too, can find meaning
in it for your own life.


Sometimes, great art emerges from
the hearts of tortured souls .
It comes in many forms...singing,
dancing, painting, sculpting,
writing, composing, playing music...

The troubled soul reaches out,
hoping for relief, to be able to escape
his inner torment ;
expressing his pain and fears
through his art.

The comic laughs at much, makes
jokes about many things, often about
his own life, his own misery,
putting it out there
in the form of jokes,
laughing on the outside
but crying on the inside.

He often uses expletives, from
the frustration of not knowing
just how to put into words,
to purge himself of all the anger,
hurt, resentment, sadness.

He vomits out
his misunderstood feelings,
to try to free himself
from the prison in which
his own heart and mind
keep him incarcerated.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes, when I hear or read great works
of beauty, love, or poignancy, I wonder,
Why can't I write like that ?

Why can't I write something so profound,
that those who read it might say,
'What depth ! What insight ! What wisdom !
What love and beauty this woman possesses !'

Why can't I write something so magnificent
with my usage of words, that it would evoke
passionate tears in the eyes of those who read it ?
That hearts would be filled with love,
understanding , compassion and gratitude
for their families, this country, and the rights
we all have, to worship (or not) as we please,
the privilege to vote for whomever we choose,
the right to love whomever we wish, to bring children
into this world (or not), and to teach them to
be good, kind and considerate of others, to
do well in school, and to become decent,
productive citizens.

Why can't I write of these things, of the joy
of a little baby taking his first steps,
uttering his first words, and watching him,
as he gazes in wonder at a tiny ant, struggling
to carry a heavy load, or a butterfly emerging
from its cocoon, or the look on his face, as
he touches, for the first time, the velvet
softness of a kitten ?

Why can't I convey my inner feelings
in what I write ; my innermost thoughts,
fears and aspirations...

Why can't I ?

This was written on Election Day,
November 2, 2004.
When I first started writing, years ago,
I thought it would be easy, and that
fame and fortune would come my way
some day. Well, I've since revised
my thinking, and realize that I'm not
a great writer, and, most likely will
never have the acclaim I thought
would come so easily .
So, I write for my own pleasure, and
that of my family. They seem to like
my meanderings, and give me lots of
pats on the back, and words of praise,
and now...for me, that's enough.

I have the love of some pretty
darned nice kids,
grandkids and great-grandkids.
A few friends, also.
What more could I ask ?

I love you, my darlins' .



If one looks at an 'ugly' person, and turns away,
He might be missing a great opportunity
To make a real friend.

Some people just cannot think of an 'ugly' person
As a 'friend' .

They only befriend people who, in their eyes, are
Beautiful, and only the beautiful people
Deserve to have friends.

How sad, and how shallow, to turn down
What could be a wonderful friendship,
because of 'looks' .

Some of the handsomest people are just
Mean... nasty inside, where it really matters.

If only folks would look beyond
Outer beauty, and into the heart and soul
Of the 'not so pretty' people.

They might find the truest friend
They'll ever have.

Look at Quasimoto... hard to look at,
A hunchback, who lumbered
Rather than walked, yet he had
A loving, beautiful, pure heart.
And didn't he win the heart of lovely
Esmerelda ?

Why can't people see that 'Pretty'
On the outside, means nothing, unless
They're Beautiful on the inside,
Possessing a kind and loving heart ?

One who has compassion for
Those not blessed with a 'pretty' face.
That would make them truly 'Beautiful !

I've seen this happen over and over
again, and it's sad to think there are
people who really think like this, that
a person isn't 'worthy' of their time
and friendship, just because they aren't
Well, it's their loss not to take the
opportunity to get to know someone
who may well have turned out to be
their best friend .

Something to think about.


Friday, January 14, 2011


It was many years ago when we met, you and I
You lived with your family on the Baldwin Park street
we moved to, we being Bris, the kids and I .

We were all so young then...Bris was 39, I was 34, our kids,
Linda, Dwight and Candy were 15, 13 1/2 and almost 11 .
You were just 18, a young wife and mother of a 10-month old,

You kids all became friends very quickly, but I was too shy
to go and meet you all.
Later, when Mike had his first birthday party, our kids went and
told us about how you let Mike dive into that cake, and what a mess
he made. I thought that was awful ! Never had heard of
letting a baby make such a mess. Pretty uptight, me !

You kids would come to our house, only 2 houses away,
and make yourselves to home, while I sort-of hid in
the bedroom. I was always like that, dumb, I now know.
Anyway, you guys kept coming, day after day, and I
finally decided that I couldn't stay hidden in that bedroom
forever, so came out to be with everybody.

It was hard for me, at first, but after a while, you
were pretty much like our own .

Your Mom and I became best friends, and I so enjoyed
her company. She was very unlike me, but we got
along really well.
Imagine my shock when she told me that she
had the boys doing 'girl' chores, like dishes, laundry
and ironing, etc.

That floored me, b/c I had
always believed in the traditional roles
for boys and girls. Boys did things like
taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, helping Dad
with car repairs, and learning how to change
tires, etc. Girls did dishes, sewing, laundry, ironing, etc.
Your Mom opened my eyes, and taught me a few things !

Somewhere along the way, I learned that she and
your Dad had recently lost two children, 3-month old
Jerry, and Susie's 3-year old twin, Sandy.
There were seven of you then, and as we got to know
each of you, and your personalities, we liked you all
so much. You wormed your way into our hearts,
and it was that way with your Mom, Carol, too.
She treated our kids just like her own.

And, so it was, that we each had 10 kids.

Bris and I would take one or another of you camping
up to Mammoth, or to Goleta Beach, down by Santa Barbara,
and to other places, too.

You had two other babies by then, Billy, then
Pat, and we would go to Goleta, babies and all,
and Linda would help you with the babies, changing,
feeding, and playing with them.

I just pretty much sat on a blanket on the sand,
and watched everyone swimming, etc. There
were times when I'd dig up clams, pick up
pretty little stones and sea-shells, while you all
were either swimming, playing with babies, etc.
Some of the time I spent cooking over the little
BBQ pit, or making sandwiches, etc.
Then I'd wash what dishes there were.

Some of the kids would go for a swim, with
Bris supervising. He could swim...I couldn't, so
he was the logical one to watch over all of them.

It was so funny, to see little skinny April, with her
bathing suit hanging on her little body. Bris took
at least one picture of her, walking on the beach, with
a towel draped around her, after coming out of
the water. She was so thin back then.

That beach, Goleta, had other interesting
things to do. there was an airport where we
could watch planes take off and land, just
private planes, Piper cubs, etc.
This was mostly Bris's thing. the kids and
I weren't that thrilled with it.
There were also some cows grazing right next
to the beach.
University of California at Santa Barbara was
right there. we could see the college from there
on the beach.
Little did we know that years later, Candy and Reggie's
son, Micah, would be attending that very college !!

We also could walk to the town of Goleta to buy
groceries or takeout from the big Taco Bell right
there in the center of town, or anything else we needed.
Sometimes we'd go barefooted to shop in the town.

We loved that beach and the town, and we'd go
It was so little used, that we felt like it was our
very own, private beach !

Went on that way for years, and then, after a
period of not going for a while, were we
surprised to see it had been discovered by
some other people, and after a short time, it
was overrun by folks, just like any other beach !

Never found another beach like that one.
So sad.
But we had Mammoth, and Seal Beach, and our
long, country drives to places like the town of
Arlington, right next to Riverside, I think it was.

Wherever we went, we had either you and
the babies, or some of your siblings...think
we nearly always had a Teague or two
with us.
Once we went to a town with a pier, and one
of the souvenir shops had two large shells
outside, on either side of the doorway.
Well, Candy and Susie each sat in one
of those shells, and Bris took a picture of them.
They looked so cute !
Wonder whatever happened to that snapshot ?

Maybe that year when Candy and Linda
decided to make you that special album
for your birthday, or maybe Mothers' Day,
and I gathered up all the pictures of your kids
that I could find for that album, the one of
Candy and Susie sitting in those shells might
have been one that I gave them for that.

After all, you had a lot to do with Susie's
upbringing, so it would have been the natural
thing to do.

You helped your Mama a lot in that
respect, being mother to your sibs
some of the time.

You followed in your Mom's footsteps, for a time,
doing nursing care for the elderly. You learned
a lot in that time, and was able to help all
of us whenever we had some health problem
or other. All we had to do was ask, and you
usually knew just the right thing to say or do
to help us.

It was so neat, how all you kids came
together, and we all pretty much
functioned as one family !

I used to think that Dwight and April would
end up together, Richard and Candy would
be a couple ( then, later, I thought Donald
and Candy ) would join up.
Linda was crazy for Vinny, and I thought
they might wind up together.
Well, none of those pairings took place, and
in the early 70's, you and Dwight got
together. That was a surprise, to me, anyway.
I thought April had her sights set on him !

After some years, you and Dwight went to Las Vegas
and got married and raised your kids together.

Both you and Dwight became ill later on,
and you guys had to struggle to find the strength
to raise three very active boys . Besides your health
issues, you were plagued by financial problems.
Life became very hard, but you both kept
plugging away, and got the boys raised despite
the hardships.

You guys bought a mobile home in Tehachapi
right by the mountains. You both loved it there
in that beautiful setting. Had a fire there, but
bounced back from that. Stayed a while longer,
then you moved to Oregon
and lived there for some time.
Some years later, you came back to
California, the Northern area, and settled
down in Stockton, where Bill and his
family had bought a home.

Bad health continued to plague both
of you, and you guys were in and out
of hospitals .

You, Linda, had a hernia procedure at the very
beginning of 1993. That became infected,
and you had another operation to correct
that. But, it didn't, and you had to endure
yet another operation. One after another,
making a total of either 5 or 6 surgeries
in all, for that one hernia.

Then, you developed another hernia, right
on top of the original one, which still
wasn't fixed !! You went for years, suffering
with the two hernias, until about 9 months ago,
when you had surgery for one of them.
You came out of that surgery with flying colors.

Whenever you and I spoke on the phone, you
had really changed. Your voice had a lilt to
it, and you seemed genuinely happy, for
the first time in years. I could almost see
and hear you singing, smiling broadly.
Your whole mood was one of peace and joy.

You laughed were on the road
to better health than you'd had in years !
You were like the old Linda, of the
twinkling brown eyes, the sparkling
personality, the friend we used to have,
in whom we could confide.

September came, and with it, devastation,
and hopelessness, as the hernia became infected
and one thing led to another, and sadly,
inexcusably, you were torn from the bosom
of your family, gone too soon, due to negligence
and human fallibility !!

We all have lost someone dear to us, someone
we will miss beyond mere physical presence, we
will miss your smiling face, your unfailing
optimism, no matter what would happen. I feel
this wonderful thing happened with you,
after you found God, and let Him into your life.
That is what gave you the courage to go
through the second hernia surgery, confident
that it would take care of the problem, once
and for all time.

That didn't happen, and we have lost a
great friend. Yes, you were a friend to all
of, husband, grandkids, siblings.
We miss you now and will miss you always .

You were a big part of our lives.
I love you, and everyone in our huge
family loves and misses you.
We have a large hole in our hearts, that can only
be filled when we re-unite on the other side.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

Your mother-in-law, and your friend.