Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Every thought that comes into our minds,
every word that we utter goes out
into the Universe.
Each person has access to everyone else's
thoughts and words.
We need to be aware of this, and conduct
ourselves in such a way, so as to not think
or say hurtful or hateful things.
Our words and thoughts can be picked up
by anyone in the Universe, so we need
to think and speak kind words and
thoughts... not always easy to do ;
we're not Pollyanas.
We're human, and we do and say unkind
or thoughtless things --- I know I do,
but I never mean to hurt anyone. Of
course, I do hurt people, just as most
of us do, without it being our intention.
I strive to be a kinder, more understanding
person, yet I sometimes fall short.
Why ? Because, like you, I'm human,
with all the quirks and foibles that
being human entails.
To that end, we must try harder to
be good, decent people...to love
ourselves and others, and to always
remember to be cognizant of what
we are thinking and saying.
It matters.


I wrote this on April 27, 2007.
We must be kinder, more loving
to ourselves and each other, and
hope that, in doing so, people now
and perhaps many years from now
will pick up on our good thoughts
and make a difference on this
earth, and the whole Universe.
Maybe one day, kindness and
love will rule our Universe, rather
than the greed and corruption
so prevalent now, in our time.
Is there hope for the human race
yet ? I pray it will be so.
Until such time, we must all
do our part, so that future generations
may benefit, and live in peace
and harmony.

Let's all count the many blessings
we have, and appreciate what and
who we have in our lives, now, and
also those we have loved , but are
gone. We can continue to love
them and keep their memory in
our hearts.

I love all of you, my sweet family.

1 comment:

  1. I love you too Nana! trying harder is hard for me to do sometimes but reading this reminds me that I must! big hugs!
