Tuesday, August 16, 2011


What is perfection ?
Who's to say exactly what constitutes perfection ?
We all seem to strive for this ideal...to be perfect, in our work, our marriages, our
child-rearing abilities, etc.
We feel that, in order to be accepted by society, we need to have all the latest fashions,
appliances for the home, new cars, etc.
Why do we invest so much time and energy into aiming for perfection ?
We are fine, just as we are !
None of us has ever been, or ever will be perfect.
We are human, and humans, with all our complexities, and screwed-up personalities
cannot be perfect.

It's different things to different people...shallow people think that if we can't have the
latest whatever, or one is not pretty or handsome, according to their ideas, then we
fall short of perfection.
We are all perfect just the way we are...just the way we look, talk and walk .
We are just as God made us, and he doesn't make mistakes, and those who think otherwise are sorely mistaken.

Look in the mirror...that's perfection . That's who you are. That's who your family
and True friends love...the real you, not some artsy-fartsy, phoney, plastic-enhanced
person. but you, the one in the mirror.
None of us will ever attain the kind of perfection that society demands . Their idea of 'perfection' is skewed !
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, someone once said . If those with whom we associate see nothing but our flaws , then they are not true friends. If we don't measure up to their standards of living, and of beauty, then we are not worth their time to bother with us.
Those who love us see beyond those things, and look into our hearts , and feel the love we have for them, and that is beautiful, and that is perfection.

May we all keep loving one another, no matter what we have or don't have, no matter how we look as we get older. Love never gets old, never changes.

I love all of you, my sweet family and friends, always will.
Keep loving each other.


1 comment:

  1. Nope, no perfection here. But I did just buy a new car. :)
