Monday, July 18, 2011

Well, now that I have maps to look at, am finding a few mistakes in my previous
writings. Nothing glaring, just mistaken faulty memories of a few things.
Nothing major, but I like to be as accurate as possible when relating these childhood memories. : )

First of all, the high school some of us attended, Roxbury Memorial High School, was NOT at Warren and Quincy streets, like I'd always thought. According to the map, it was on Townsend St., near Humboldt Ave. It looks like Quincy turned into Townsend, and if that's correct, you can see why I always thought it was on Quincy St. Humboldt Ave. runs parallel to Warren St. but further up.

Next mistake was the park we went to as children, and in which the picture that your cousin Sue blew up and framed for us, took place. It was NOT Warren St. Park. It was Washington Park, on Washington St. Boy, did I have these things wrong. I'm so
glad to have these street maps, so I can see the mistakes, and can correct them. I want you kids to have as accurate a rendering of events as possible.

Next is a really minor goof. Remember I said the little neighborhood store, Mary's, was on the corner of Ingleside at Blue Hill Ave. ? Mistaken again. When looking at the map, I could see that it was on a closer street than that, on the corner of Dove St. and B. H. Ave.

As I continue finding any mistakes, or misperceptions, I'll post them. May not mean anything to you kids, but I've always wanted to be correct whenever possible.
Boy, sometimes our brains get an idea, and we assume it's the right one. Look at how many years I've had these incorrect perceptions ! Hahaha...shows that these old brains of ours can really fool us sometimes !

I'm SOooo glad to have these maps...they help so much.

Oh, maybe you've noticed a street there, near Maywood, called Tupelo . That's where Louie West and family lived. He's the family friend who took Grandpa to the hospital when he severed an artery years ago, while carving a turkey, remember ?

Ok, this is gonna be a short one...just wanted to make these corrections.

I hope your cousin Sue is full of excitement and renewed hope for her future. She
should have everything she needs now to conduct her life in the way she wants,
and find some joy and happiness in her life. I'll keep praying for her, and always
hold her in my heart. I love her very much .

You, my sweet, oh, so precious children, are always in my heart, and my thoughts,
and will remain there always, now and forever.
Be good and kind to one another, always, and love and show forgiveness if and when it ever becomes necessary.
Find the joyful moments and cherish them.

I love you all more than words can say. you know that. I am so proud of all of you,
and so thankful you chose me to be your Mom.

More later.


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