Friday, July 29, 2011


Seeing, not with the eyes, but
With every beat of the heart

Feeling, not with touch, but with
The soul's yearning

Wanting, with every nerve a-tingling
Yet, unsure,
Turning, walking away,

Never knowing he, too,
And felt, and wanted,

But, lacking the courage
To reach out...

Sadly, he watched as she
Walked away.

Two souls, never knowing
What might have been

Never tasting
The love that was waiting

This is a departure for me,
something I haven't tried before.
Not feeling really comfortable
with this style, but, seeing
the success of others, thought
I'd give it a try.
What do you think ? Should I
do more like this, or stick
with what seems to be
what you like, what has worked,
so far, anyway.

Let me know what you
honestly think. I value your

Love you all. Keep being
kind to each other, always.


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