Thursday, February 10, 2011


If one looks at an 'ugly' person, and turns away,
He might be missing a great opportunity
To make a real friend.

Some people just cannot think of an 'ugly' person
As a 'friend' .

They only befriend people who, in their eyes, are
Beautiful, and only the beautiful people
Deserve to have friends.

How sad, and how shallow, to turn down
What could be a wonderful friendship,
because of 'looks' .

Some of the handsomest people are just
Mean... nasty inside, where it really matters.

If only folks would look beyond
Outer beauty, and into the heart and soul
Of the 'not so pretty' people.

They might find the truest friend
They'll ever have.

Look at Quasimoto... hard to look at,
A hunchback, who lumbered
Rather than walked, yet he had
A loving, beautiful, pure heart.
And didn't he win the heart of lovely
Esmerelda ?

Why can't people see that 'Pretty'
On the outside, means nothing, unless
They're Beautiful on the inside,
Possessing a kind and loving heart ?

One who has compassion for
Those not blessed with a 'pretty' face.
That would make them truly 'Beautiful !

I've seen this happen over and over
again, and it's sad to think there are
people who really think like this, that
a person isn't 'worthy' of their time
and friendship, just because they aren't
Well, it's their loss not to take the
opportunity to get to know someone
who may well have turned out to be
their best friend .

Something to think about.


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