Saturday, February 12, 2011


Each day we awaken is another gift from God.
What we do with each day is up to us.

Do we want to improve ourselves and
our relations with others ?
Or, do we sit and dream of what
Could have been, Should have been,
What wasn't done
What others did or said, or
What they didn't do or say.

Do we smile and say, let's see,
What can I do today, to
make my life worthwhile ?

Do we wish someone
would have done this for us,
or that for us ?
Or do we Seize each day, and
make the most of it ?

Do things for ourselves...
go out and buy a new purse, or
some other little luxury,
Go get our hair done,
go visit a friend,
Call, or write or E-mail ;
Send a card to someone,
letting them know you're
thinking of them.

What can I do with this day
the Lord has given me ?

I will try to be happy, to
make others smile,
to be glad, that they, too,
have another day to use
to help themselves, their
Families, friends and neighbors.

Even little things can
make a difference...
Make new friends ;
find the Joy in life.

We have but to open our eyes,
hearts and minds
to find it.
Grab onto it, share, and
spread it around.

Joy is contagious !

Rejoice in the fact that
You are Alive !!!


I wrote this on May 12, 2008
Don't recall what prompted it, perhaps
some of the very things that are contained herein.
Maybe I'd been sitting around, feeling something
was missing in my life ; that others should
somehow have helped to give my life
meaning. Or, perhaps, I was just waking up to
the fact that I am the one who can do
something to give myself a feeling of
fulfillment, no one else.
It's up to me to find ways to make
myself happy.

Well, whatever it was,
I'm glad I wrote this. Hope, after
reading it, you, too, can find meaning
in it for your own life.

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