Sunday, February 13, 2011


To those who, like me, have reached
a ripe, old age :

May you have good physical health
May you always be able to move
May you always be able to taste your food
May all your senses remain intact

May your brain continue to function
May you always know who and what you are
May you always be able to reason
May you always think young

May you always be able to see your children
and all your loved ones
May you always enjoy children's laughter
May you always hear your loved ones' voices

May you always retain the capacity to laugh
and enjoy a good joke
May you continue to enjoy the melodious
songs of the birds

May you enjoy many more sunrises
and sunsets
May you always feel and be
surrounded by love
May you always be forever young


I wrote this about a year ago, March, 2010,
and I wish this for not only myself, but all
us, as we grow older.
Time is passing so quickly now, seems like
even the young ones are growing old
right before our eyes !

So, it behooves everyone to enjoy life,
squeeze every bit of happiness into
every second, push the negative stuff
aside as quickly as possible, because
before you know it, you'll be where
I'm at now, saying, 'What the heck
happened ? Where did everything go,
and how did I get so old, so fast ?

Enjoy your lives, keep those you love
close to you, and invent ways to
be happy, not bored. don't waste time,
it's a precious commodity.

And share your love, be overly
generous with hugs and kisses, and
shower praise on all your loved ones,
for even their littlest efforts.

Be loving, kind, and compassionate ;
the same qualities you want extended to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read
my 'ramblings'.
I love you all.

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