Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes, when I hear or read great works
of beauty, love, or poignancy, I wonder,
Why can't I write like that ?

Why can't I write something so profound,
that those who read it might say,
'What depth ! What insight ! What wisdom !
What love and beauty this woman possesses !'

Why can't I write something so magnificent
with my usage of words, that it would evoke
passionate tears in the eyes of those who read it ?
That hearts would be filled with love,
understanding , compassion and gratitude
for their families, this country, and the rights
we all have, to worship (or not) as we please,
the privilege to vote for whomever we choose,
the right to love whomever we wish, to bring children
into this world (or not), and to teach them to
be good, kind and considerate of others, to
do well in school, and to become decent,
productive citizens.

Why can't I write of these things, of the joy
of a little baby taking his first steps,
uttering his first words, and watching him,
as he gazes in wonder at a tiny ant, struggling
to carry a heavy load, or a butterfly emerging
from its cocoon, or the look on his face, as
he touches, for the first time, the velvet
softness of a kitten ?

Why can't I convey my inner feelings
in what I write ; my innermost thoughts,
fears and aspirations...

Why can't I ?

This was written on Election Day,
November 2, 2004.
When I first started writing, years ago,
I thought it would be easy, and that
fame and fortune would come my way
some day. Well, I've since revised
my thinking, and realize that I'm not
a great writer, and, most likely will
never have the acclaim I thought
would come so easily .
So, I write for my own pleasure, and
that of my family. They seem to like
my meanderings, and give me lots of
pats on the back, and words of praise,
and now...for me, that's enough.

I have the love of some pretty
darned nice kids,
grandkids and great-grandkids.
A few friends, also.
What more could I ask ?

I love you, my darlins' .


1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had these aspirations Nana. I am so glad you didn't give it up. I love reading your stories and poems
    your GB
