Saturday, February 12, 2011


Sometimes, great art emerges from
the hearts of tortured souls .
It comes in many forms...singing,
dancing, painting, sculpting,
writing, composing, playing music...

The troubled soul reaches out,
hoping for relief, to be able to escape
his inner torment ;
expressing his pain and fears
through his art.

The comic laughs at much, makes
jokes about many things, often about
his own life, his own misery,
putting it out there
in the form of jokes,
laughing on the outside
but crying on the inside.

He often uses expletives, from
the frustration of not knowing
just how to put into words,
to purge himself of all the anger,
hurt, resentment, sadness.

He vomits out
his misunderstood feelings,
to try to free himself
from the prison in which
his own heart and mind
keep him incarcerated.

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