Saturday, July 10, 2010


When I'm an old lady
I'll live in the zoo
I'll sit in a cage
and do what THEY (the animals ) do

I'll roar like the lions
I'll shriek like the apes
I'll stare at the people
And laugh at their shapes

I'll pace like the tiger
And hiss like the snakes
Trumpet like the elephant
Until the ground shakes

I'll make the zoo-keepers
Stay on their toes
'Cause THIS li'l ol' lady
will be giving them woes

I'll toss poop at the tourists
I'll spit in their hair
I'll make them wish
That I wasn't there

I'll run like the cheetah
I'll howl at the moon
They'll call for my kids
To come get me ...SOON !

They'll come take me home
And when all's said and done
I'll tell them my story
And how I had fun

How I did as I pleased
Like the animals do
When I was the old lady
Who lived in a zoo

OK now, the goofy lady is back !
Just as nutty as ever, and happily so.
Hope you all get a laugh from this, or at least
a chuckle or two.
Laughter helps almost any situation
we find ourselves in, and it's good to
be able to laugh at ourselves
now and then.
Laughter is also a gift, meant to bring
us joy.
Until my next post, keep on finding
the joy in your life, and remember
always, to count our blessings.



  1. Hahahaha...welcome back, goofy one!

  2. Oh Auntie Dot ! I think this one is my most very favorite one!! I love this blog and am sharing it in my facebook !! Love You!! I have a blog here, too ! I just have not transferred or posted anything here yet !! This is GREAT, Auntie!!
