Friday, July 9, 2010

I am happy and upbeat nearly all of the time. Today, this afternoon, though, I find myself feeling a bit sad, partly due to missing those who are gone from my life, and way too soon. My brother was only 58 when he passed from a massive heart attack. Besides myself, my children, and our sisters, his 8 kids and many grandkids and great-grandkids, and his widow also miss him terribly.
One expects one's parents to live to a ripe old age before they die, and it seems more acceptable, but when the parent dies in their fifties, it's a severe blow, one from which it's hard to recover.

Just yesterday, two young men posted pictures of their deceased mother, who was only in her mid-fifties . Seeing her picture here on Facebook set me to crying, because she meant a lot to
me . My kids, husband and I all had known and loved April since she had barely turned 10 years
old, in 1964, May. She and my daughter, Candy had been friends from the beginning, and my son, Dwight, and daughter, Linda, were also friends with April and her siblings. Their Mom and I became friends, as well, and considered her 7 kids and my 3 as 'OUR' kids !
We loved all of them, and they loved us. My husband and I adopted them 'in our hearts' . One of them, Linda, married my son, thereby becoming our daughter-in-law
We've experienced the loss of 3 of Carol's kids, and we missed them. I still do. My husband ,too, is gone now, so I have to love those who are still here for both of us, and I do.

My thanks to Paul and Jeromie for posting their beloved Mom's pictures . I never got to know you two boys as well as I'd have liked, but did and do know your sister, Trista. I hope to get to
know you boys better...think April would have liked that.

In the last few years, there have been cancer scares for 2 of my own kids, and 1 of my grandchildren, Micah . Frightening times . One doesn't want to see their children go before them.
I thank God for allowing them to remain on the earth, for which I hope will be many, many more years. They are all good people and bring sunshine into many lives .

My niece, Jineen, has asked me for pictures of her Dad from when he was a young boy. I can only think of one snapshot, but haven't found it yet. Will keep looking. Maybe there will be others, don't know for sure.
Her and her 7 brothers still miss their Dad, my brother, as much now as at the time of his
passing . It's been nearly 19 years, and all his grandkids still speak of him with love, even though they were very young at the time. I truly believe that LOVE never dies. It lives
within our hearts, forever. Those who pass on are never forgotten.

I've been unusually somber today, but it will pass,
and I'll be my old, cheerful, goofy self again.
I refuse to become's too depressing :)
See, it's already happening !

We all must count our blessings each and every day.
I love ALL my family.

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