Thursday, July 22, 2010


The strawberry patch was the clincher ;
Its gleaming red berries beckoned me,
Saying, come on, buy this house,
And we'll produce more, and
Bigger strawberries for you.
And it did ...
for a while.

Two, maybe three months ...
Every morning, fresh berries
For breakfast,
Or at the sink, standing and eating
The freshly washed berries,
Bursting with flavor, the
Sweet juices escaping,
Dripping into the sink.
Oh, they were so good, so sweet,
And delectable !

One day, the strawberry patch was
Gone ... completely destroyed
By my German Shepherd ...
She didn't know any better ;
She was only a dog, and
She found a nice,
Earthy place to dig
And to lie in ;
To cool off
On a hot, summer day .

This was way back, many years ago. My husband and I
had this cute, little shepherd pup, and brought her
with us to our new home . At first, she didn't bother
the strawberries, but as summer came on, and
it grew progressively hotter, she went looking for
someplace to cool off. (This was before we found
a nice doghouse for her). then, too, a doggie friend
came to stay with her for awhile, our daughter's
collie, who needed a place to stay temporarily.
So, between the both of them digging in the
strawberry patch, where the earth was nice and moist,
the berries got ruined, of course, but they loved
that nice, cool spot, and who could remain angry
at those two adorable little guys, for very long.
When, finally, we bought the doghouse, it was
too late for the berries, but now the dogs had
shelter from the blazing sun !
Ah, you win some and you lose some. and they
were so much more important than the
strawberries !

We are blessed with so much, that little things
like that strawberry patch don't really matter
in the grand scheme of things.
Blessings come to us in many ways


1 comment:

  1. I remember that the strawberry patch was what pulled you to that house way back when!!
