Friday, July 2, 2010


The cooking crew at a local zoo
decided to make something new
They made a stew-
now that's not new,
but this was not your normal stew.
This stew had such a different hue;
this stew was a gluey, new, blue stew

This really was a strange new brew;
this stuff the cooking crew called stew;
I didn't like the,
so I didn't eat that awful stew.
What would YOU do, would you
eat gluey, new, blue stew ?

That gluey stew of sapphire blue ...
Why, even they, the cooking crew
wouldn't even try their own blue stew.
Instead, they figured what to do ;
they'd feed it to the zoo's new gnu

They fed some to the hungry gnu .
The gnu did chew that new, blue stew.
He liked the stew, and gave a Moo;
a moo that said, "I like blue stew".
He ate one bowl of that blue stew
and then he had another, too.

He mooed and mooed for more blue stew;
he ate so much, that wings he grew !
A flying gnu who loved blue stew...
I've never heard of that, have you ?
The flying gnu just flew and flew
and then came back for more blue stew.

But then, I noticed something new,
the gnu who loved that strange, blue stew;
that stew that looked like blue stew glue,
had changed from brown to a different hue.
The gnu that ate so much blue stew
himself became a true blue gnu !!

Just a little bit of nonsense to brighten someone's day today.
This is something I wrote years ago for children.
Perhaps you can read it to your kids.
It might even put a smile on your face.
We all need to find things to make us laugh, especially now, in the light of
what's happening in our world today. I hope this fits the bill.

Count your blessings every day.

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