Saturday, July 3, 2010


Drummers drumming wildly,
the beat Quickening ;
Dazedly I twirl to the sound,
consciousness almost
slipping away, as I dance
to the delirious Beating
of the drums.

My heart beats in time
to the Movement.
Suddenly, the pace becomes
Frantic !
My heart Races ;
my skirt swirls about
as I twirl and dip and jump
to the Sound of the
Frenzied drums, Urging me to
go Faster and Faster !

Time is forgotten...
I dance with
Wild Abandon, as if
in a Hypnotic Trance.

I see Nothing...
I hear Nothing, but
the Drums.
Drums awaken
my Spirit, and
send it Soaring !

This came to me, after seeing a program in 1995,
called 'Faces of Culture', in which there were
people who, during a voodoo ceremony danced
to the drummers who were beating a wild rhythm, and going
at such a speed, as to cause the dancers to
become unconscious, or nearly so.
I felt that day and to this, very attuned to the sound
of drums. I love the beat of the drum, especially
when hearing native peoples drumming.
I hope you enjoy today's offering.

Let's remember we are One, and count our blessings every day


  1. I can almost feel the drums1 The dizzy feeling of dancing with abandon Oh Nana! Such a great poem.

  2. You have always loved drums! This creates the feel of actually dancing! Reminds me of a workshop I once did...
