Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Quiet, so quiet
Feelings of peacefulness

Only sound coming from fans

Opportunity to think, to plan
Without distraction

To be able to garner one's thoughts
And form them into
Patterns, phrases, sentences

To write, oh to write !
What a gift,
A blessing from God

The power of the written word
Will never be abolished

It will co-exist with
Technological advances.
Right on into the future.

Technology's fine, but books
Are like fine, old wine
Aging gracefully,
Never out of style.

One cannot be quiet
With a keyboard
Clacking away,
But a book,
Ah, a book

One can spend
A very peaceful,
Quiet evening
Curled up in a chair,
Reading a book

Allowing the conveyance
Of another's words
To enter one's mind

Helping the reader to
Enjoy the experience

And thereafter
Dwell upon their meaning
In the reveries
Of Quietude.

I wrote this about a year ago one evening
when I hadn't turned on the TV, just wanting
to relax in the stillness, the quiet.
Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax
and enjoy being with oneself for a while.
I enjoyed penning this ( always write in
longhand first ), then typed it up later. I
just found out yesterday, that a well-known
writer, Jackie Collins, also writes in longhand
first. I haven't read any of her works, though.
Be sure to count your blessings
today and every day.


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