Monday, July 12, 2010


The nucleus of my being
The embryo of me
Our God gave us our Spirit
Our Universality

The umbilical cord
That connects us all
Is strong and full of life
It keeps us all together
Through calmness and
Through strife

Our God who made the
Flowers in every
Rainbow hue
Decided to make people
In every color, too

We've come out of the
Darkness of Ignorance, and
Into the Ultimate Light
We KNOW we're all connected
And knowing gives us might

A cornucopia of plenty
Is here for all to share
Whatever we need is waiting
So come and take what's fair

It's always overflowing
With love, and all good things
Come one, come all, and
Let your heart just sing

Just praise the One who made us
The One who keeps us whole
He looks into the embryo
He looks into the soul

The nuclei of our being
The miraculous DNA
The Cord that binds us together
Grows stronger every day

Our light must shine forever
Enlighten everyone
Bring them out of
Their Fear of darkness, and
Into the Ultimate SUN

We'll share our love
And Spirit with
Everyone on Earth, and
Soon it will encompass
The whole of God's Universe

I penned this just a couple of months
after completing a life-changing
work-shop, in 1991.
I was bursting with new-found
knowledge, and feelings,
and wanted to share it . This is
how I decided to do it. I hope
the reader finds something here
to help them in their life, to
make changes, perhaps look at things
from a different perspective.

Enjoy , and always count
your blessings, each and every day .


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