Saturday, July 17, 2010


Substitute chickens
Lay substitute eggs
Just think !
Those chickens
Have substitute legs

Substitute legs
Don't taste very good
Guess all those chickens
Eat substitute food

Substitute food
Full of chemicals and such
If you eat those chickens
Don't eat very much

'Cause YOU might become fake
And grow substitute legs
All because you ate
Some substitute eggs

I was so tired of eating that damn egg substitute
that I think I went a little crazy, and in my
craziness, wrote this really terrible poem.
Then, to compound the awfulness of it all,
I had the temerity to go ahead and write
yet ANOTHER one, on the same subject !
Oh, I did wait another 12 days, before
penning the rest of this really bad poetry,
so the reader will have a little while to
recuperate from this assault on their senses .
I hope you won't think too badly of me,
because I do write some pretty good stuff
now and then.

Count your blessings today and
tomorrow and tomorrow.
They are never-ending.



  1. hehe very cute! I actually thought you were making a political statement on the use of chemicals in growing chickens!

  2. I always laugh at this one! That's not a bad thing, so it must not be a bad poem!
