Thursday, July 15, 2010


As Lady Liberty stood in the harbor
She saw a plane come by
She watched as the plane hit the tower
And Liberty started to cry

Another plane hit the second
Of the World Trade Center Towers
And Liberty watched in horror
This terrible awesome power

The Towers fell like children's blocks
Full of innocent people who died
Liberty saw what hate can do
And Lady Liberty cried

She heard the screams of the dying
Her heart was so full of pain
Her New York, her lovely New York
Would never be the same

But as she watched, people came together
She saw heroes born that day
They dug with never-ending fervor
For survivors they could take away

Not many survivors were found
Most of those innocents died
We'll all remember that fateful day
When Lady Liberty cried.

I wrote this with a heart full of sorrow and pain
to see what hate , ignorance and intolerance can do,
what extremists see as their duty.
This day, September 11, 2001, is a day
we will never , MUST never forget
Let us remember...Always .



  1. ok crying! Man that was a horrible day! and a day that showed us what we are made of

  2. You captured the feelings we all had that day perfectly.
