Monday, July 19, 2010


Live, love, laugh
Touch, hug, give
In giving you are
Living to the fullest

Giving of yourself,
Your energy, is worth
Much more than
Giving things

Give first to yourself,
Pamper YOU,
As someone
You truly love...
You are worth it

Take time for yourself,
Go some place you've
Always wanted to go
With someone
You love

Or, by yourself,
For solitude,
Meditation, prayer,
With nature ;

Touch those you love
Let them feel it
And, in turn,
Bathe in the glow
Of their love for you

Communicate , cultivate
The art of listening
Learn to accept
The giving of others

Loving, touching,
Laughing, giving
Are all ways to heal ;
to bring your body
Into alignment
With the Spirit

Remember to laugh
Find the humor in
Everyday situations
All of this
Renews the Spirit

Do all these things
From the heart
For in the heart is
The Seat of the Soul

These are some of the ways that we can
show our love to our families, friends, neighbors
and all with whom we come in contact. It is
so important to express our feelings,
in a positive, uplifting way. Too often,
folks show just their anger and frustration,
and leave no room for the much more
important sharing of love, all kinds
of love. Especially important is to show
your children that you love
matter what ! Let them see their parents
expressing their love for each other, in
an appropriate way, of the
heavy stuff for the bedroom . Set the example
of being kind and courteous to everyone,
holding your temper, like, when someone
cuts you off in traffic. forget that you possess
a middle finger, and keep your mouth shut
at those times .
Learn to control yourself, and, hopefully
the children will absorb the way you deal
with people, and follow that example'
Imagine how proud you'll be when you
see your child doing the same thing, and
how glad you'll be that you've done
your duty as a parent, and helped them
prepare for life in a world filled with
other people, with whom they might
some day come into contact. When you
see them utilizing the lessons you
taught them, being loving, understanding
and kind, and actually LISTENING to
the other person's point of view, with
positive results, you'll have the immense
satisfaction of knowing that you
did your job, that of a parent, right.

Blessings be with you all
today and every day.


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