Friday, July 16, 2010


When we are weary, and need a lift
Ask an Angel
To lighten our hearts

When we are worried, and ill- at- ease
Ask an Angel
To send us peace

When we tire and can't go on
Ask an Angel
For Strength

When we are sick or injured
Ask an Angel
For healing

When we become fearful
Ask an Angel
For courage

When the world seems dark
Ask an Angel
For hope

When we're suffering, and feel all alone
Ask an Angel
For comfort

Then look for the Spiritual Path
That will lead us to God

If we fall by the wayside, and
The light on the path grows dim
Ask an Angel.......
For directions

We all need a little help and encouragement
from time to time, when life seems too
full of burdens, and we feel we can't go on.
Before we get too downtrodden, we need to look to our
Higher Power, whatever that is, and
pour out our hearts. Express our needs.
Just the act of turning to someone or something
and talking about our problems will help.
Don't expect a voice to come from Heaven,
telling us what we need to do to get the help
we're asking for. The asking will set our
minds to looking for solutions for ourselves.
And, I do believe that Angels sometimes
come to aid us. They come in all forms,
usually unrecognizable to us, do
their job, then disappear as quickly as they come.
That's my believe what you want.
Whatever helps.

I hope this poem and my thoughts
bring you peace and serenity.

Many blessings are ours every day.


1 comment:

  1. I feel like an angel is riding on my shoulder right now! I have been praying for God to give me peace and what I need and I am getting both!
