Thursday, July 29, 2010

Well, something went completely haywire with this last posting.
I apologize for the way it looks...really awful ! But the sentiment
is still there. I loved my sister, still do, although she is no longer
here on Earth. Love never goes on forever . We must
never forget those we loved while they were alive, and continue
to love them after they pass from this world to the next.



Align CenterMay your day be filled with blessings
May your heart be filled with love
May your home be filled with peace and joy
That comes from up above

May your life be one of mercy,
Compassion, kindness, too
May you always have integrity
And fun and lightness, too

May the wisdom of maturity
Be yours throughout the years
May you always find serenity
To calm you through your fears

May truth and honesty guide you
As you live your life each day
May laughter dwell within you
And help along the way

I wrote this in late 2003. It was to
encourage my late sister, Phyllis, who was ill at the time, fighting cancer of
the colon.
She and I had been very close,
especially when we were really young.
She was 3 and 1/2 years older than
me . I loved her very much, and will always miss her . I have some really great, and some really funny times
with which to remember her by. Phyllis died on Feb. 6th, 2005.

I count the times we spent together
as some of the most wonderful
blessings I was given .


Thursday, July 22, 2010


The strawberry patch was the clincher ;
Its gleaming red berries beckoned me,
Saying, come on, buy this house,
And we'll produce more, and
Bigger strawberries for you.
And it did ...
for a while.

Two, maybe three months ...
Every morning, fresh berries
For breakfast,
Or at the sink, standing and eating
The freshly washed berries,
Bursting with flavor, the
Sweet juices escaping,
Dripping into the sink.
Oh, they were so good, so sweet,
And delectable !

One day, the strawberry patch was
Gone ... completely destroyed
By my German Shepherd ...
She didn't know any better ;
She was only a dog, and
She found a nice,
Earthy place to dig
And to lie in ;
To cool off
On a hot, summer day .

This was way back, many years ago. My husband and I
had this cute, little shepherd pup, and brought her
with us to our new home . At first, she didn't bother
the strawberries, but as summer came on, and
it grew progressively hotter, she went looking for
someplace to cool off. (This was before we found
a nice doghouse for her). then, too, a doggie friend
came to stay with her for awhile, our daughter's
collie, who needed a place to stay temporarily.
So, between the both of them digging in the
strawberry patch, where the earth was nice and moist,
the berries got ruined, of course, but they loved
that nice, cool spot, and who could remain angry
at those two adorable little guys, for very long.
When, finally, we bought the doghouse, it was
too late for the berries, but now the dogs had
shelter from the blazing sun !
Ah, you win some and you lose some. and they
were so much more important than the
strawberries !

We are blessed with so much, that little things
like that strawberry patch don't really matter
in the grand scheme of things.
Blessings come to us in many ways


Monday, July 19, 2010


Live, love, laugh
Touch, hug, give
In giving you are
Living to the fullest

Giving of yourself,
Your energy, is worth
Much more than
Giving things

Give first to yourself,
Pamper YOU,
As someone
You truly love...
You are worth it

Take time for yourself,
Go some place you've
Always wanted to go
With someone
You love

Or, by yourself,
For solitude,
Meditation, prayer,
With nature ;

Touch those you love
Let them feel it
And, in turn,
Bathe in the glow
Of their love for you

Communicate , cultivate
The art of listening
Learn to accept
The giving of others

Loving, touching,
Laughing, giving
Are all ways to heal ;
to bring your body
Into alignment
With the Spirit

Remember to laugh
Find the humor in
Everyday situations
All of this
Renews the Spirit

Do all these things
From the heart
For in the heart is
The Seat of the Soul

These are some of the ways that we can
show our love to our families, friends, neighbors
and all with whom we come in contact. It is
so important to express our feelings,
in a positive, uplifting way. Too often,
folks show just their anger and frustration,
and leave no room for the much more
important sharing of love, all kinds
of love. Especially important is to show
your children that you love
matter what ! Let them see their parents
expressing their love for each other, in
an appropriate way, of the
heavy stuff for the bedroom . Set the example
of being kind and courteous to everyone,
holding your temper, like, when someone
cuts you off in traffic. forget that you possess
a middle finger, and keep your mouth shut
at those times .
Learn to control yourself, and, hopefully
the children will absorb the way you deal
with people, and follow that example'
Imagine how proud you'll be when you
see your child doing the same thing, and
how glad you'll be that you've done
your duty as a parent, and helped them
prepare for life in a world filled with
other people, with whom they might
some day come into contact. When you
see them utilizing the lessons you
taught them, being loving, understanding
and kind, and actually LISTENING to
the other person's point of view, with
positive results, you'll have the immense
satisfaction of knowing that you
did your job, that of a parent, right.

Blessings be with you all
today and every day.


Saturday, July 17, 2010


Substitute chickens
Lay substitute eggs
Just think !
Those chickens
Have substitute legs

Substitute legs
Don't taste very good
Guess all those chickens
Eat substitute food

Substitute food
Full of chemicals and such
If you eat those chickens
Don't eat very much

'Cause YOU might become fake
And grow substitute legs
All because you ate
Some substitute eggs

I was so tired of eating that damn egg substitute
that I think I went a little crazy, and in my
craziness, wrote this really terrible poem.
Then, to compound the awfulness of it all,
I had the temerity to go ahead and write
yet ANOTHER one, on the same subject !
Oh, I did wait another 12 days, before
penning the rest of this really bad poetry,
so the reader will have a little while to
recuperate from this assault on their senses .
I hope you won't think too badly of me,
because I do write some pretty good stuff
now and then.

Count your blessings today and
tomorrow and tomorrow.
They are never-ending.


Friday, July 16, 2010


When we are weary, and need a lift
Ask an Angel
To lighten our hearts

When we are worried, and ill- at- ease
Ask an Angel
To send us peace

When we tire and can't go on
Ask an Angel
For Strength

When we are sick or injured
Ask an Angel
For healing

When we become fearful
Ask an Angel
For courage

When the world seems dark
Ask an Angel
For hope

When we're suffering, and feel all alone
Ask an Angel
For comfort

Then look for the Spiritual Path
That will lead us to God

If we fall by the wayside, and
The light on the path grows dim
Ask an Angel.......
For directions

We all need a little help and encouragement
from time to time, when life seems too
full of burdens, and we feel we can't go on.
Before we get too downtrodden, we need to look to our
Higher Power, whatever that is, and
pour out our hearts. Express our needs.
Just the act of turning to someone or something
and talking about our problems will help.
Don't expect a voice to come from Heaven,
telling us what we need to do to get the help
we're asking for. The asking will set our
minds to looking for solutions for ourselves.
And, I do believe that Angels sometimes
come to aid us. They come in all forms,
usually unrecognizable to us, do
their job, then disappear as quickly as they come.
That's my believe what you want.
Whatever helps.

I hope this poem and my thoughts
bring you peace and serenity.

Many blessings are ours every day.


Thursday, July 15, 2010


As Lady Liberty stood in the harbor
She saw a plane come by
She watched as the plane hit the tower
And Liberty started to cry

Another plane hit the second
Of the World Trade Center Towers
And Liberty watched in horror
This terrible awesome power

The Towers fell like children's blocks
Full of innocent people who died
Liberty saw what hate can do
And Lady Liberty cried

She heard the screams of the dying
Her heart was so full of pain
Her New York, her lovely New York
Would never be the same

But as she watched, people came together
She saw heroes born that day
They dug with never-ending fervor
For survivors they could take away

Not many survivors were found
Most of those innocents died
We'll all remember that fateful day
When Lady Liberty cried.

I wrote this with a heart full of sorrow and pain
to see what hate , ignorance and intolerance can do,
what extremists see as their duty.
This day, September 11, 2001, is a day
we will never , MUST never forget
Let us remember...Always .


Monday, July 12, 2010


The nucleus of my being
The embryo of me
Our God gave us our Spirit
Our Universality

The umbilical cord
That connects us all
Is strong and full of life
It keeps us all together
Through calmness and
Through strife

Our God who made the
Flowers in every
Rainbow hue
Decided to make people
In every color, too

We've come out of the
Darkness of Ignorance, and
Into the Ultimate Light
We KNOW we're all connected
And knowing gives us might

A cornucopia of plenty
Is here for all to share
Whatever we need is waiting
So come and take what's fair

It's always overflowing
With love, and all good things
Come one, come all, and
Let your heart just sing

Just praise the One who made us
The One who keeps us whole
He looks into the embryo
He looks into the soul

The nuclei of our being
The miraculous DNA
The Cord that binds us together
Grows stronger every day

Our light must shine forever
Enlighten everyone
Bring them out of
Their Fear of darkness, and
Into the Ultimate SUN

We'll share our love
And Spirit with
Everyone on Earth, and
Soon it will encompass
The whole of God's Universe

I penned this just a couple of months
after completing a life-changing
work-shop, in 1991.
I was bursting with new-found
knowledge, and feelings,
and wanted to share it . This is
how I decided to do it. I hope
the reader finds something here
to help them in their life, to
make changes, perhaps look at things
from a different perspective.

Enjoy , and always count
your blessings, each and every day .


Saturday, July 10, 2010


Each day we awaken is another gift from God. What we do with each day is up to us. Do we want to improve ourselves and our relations with others ?
Or do we sit and dream of what could have been, what should have been, what wasn't done, what others did or said, or what they didn't do or say ?

Do we smile and say, let's see, what can I do today to make my life worthwhile, or do we dwell on the negative, and on how others have treated us ?
Do we harp upon how we wish someone would have done this for us, or that for us, or do we seize each day and make the most of it ?

Do things for ourselves ... go out and buy a new purse, or some other little luxury ; get our hair done, go visit a friend, have lunch with someone who's company you like, call someone who may be sad, or lonely, or send someone an e-mail, a Facebook message, or write an old-fashioned letter or card to someone who doesn't use the computer .

What can I do with this day the Lord has given me ?

I will try to be happy, to make others smile and be glad that they, too, have another day to do with as they see fit.
We can do something to help ourselves, our families, our neighbors . It doesn't have to be some grand, magnanimous gesture... even little things, a smile, perhaps, can brighten someone's day.
We can make the effort to find new friends, and remain true to our old friends, also.

We all can find joy in life. We have but to open our eyes, hearts and minds to find it.
Then, grab onto it, share it, spread it around .
Joy is contagious ! Rejoice in the fact that we are alive !!

There is so much we can do to be happy,
Why let everything upset us and make
our days miserable ? We need to stop
negativity in its tracks, and find ways
to enjoy life, every day. We make our
own happiness... or misery . Which will
we choose ?
We have so many blessings, but
sometimes we don't recognize some
of them. Remember to count our
blessings each and every day.



When I'm an old lady
I'll live in the zoo
I'll sit in a cage
and do what THEY (the animals ) do

I'll roar like the lions
I'll shriek like the apes
I'll stare at the people
And laugh at their shapes

I'll pace like the tiger
And hiss like the snakes
Trumpet like the elephant
Until the ground shakes

I'll make the zoo-keepers
Stay on their toes
'Cause THIS li'l ol' lady
will be giving them woes

I'll toss poop at the tourists
I'll spit in their hair
I'll make them wish
That I wasn't there

I'll run like the cheetah
I'll howl at the moon
They'll call for my kids
To come get me ...SOON !

They'll come take me home
And when all's said and done
I'll tell them my story
And how I had fun

How I did as I pleased
Like the animals do
When I was the old lady
Who lived in a zoo

OK now, the goofy lady is back !
Just as nutty as ever, and happily so.
Hope you all get a laugh from this, or at least
a chuckle or two.
Laughter helps almost any situation
we find ourselves in, and it's good to
be able to laugh at ourselves
now and then.
Laughter is also a gift, meant to bring
us joy.
Until my next post, keep on finding
the joy in your life, and remember
always, to count our blessings.


Friday, July 9, 2010


Live every moment NOW
As if it were your last
Never mind the future
Forget about the past

NOW is all-important
It's all we have, you see
Don't spend it in anger
In hate and enmity

Time is not our enemy
We must go with the flow
Do random acts of kindness
to everyone you know

To strangers that we don't know
They're friends we've yet to meet
Make every effort to be kind
To strangers on the street

Show love, forgiveness to yourself
For every thoughtless deed
For all the wrongs committed,
From God above take heed

Forgive, as God forgives you
Don't hate, show love instead
Pray for understanding
As you lie upon your bed

Dream dreams of peace and tenderness
And time when hate's no more
Where only joy and harmony reign
On every country's shore

Wake up every morning
No worries on your brow
The only thing that matters
Is living in the NOW

It's time for us to let go of
whatever happened in the past
and get on with our lives.
Carpe diem... seize the day,
and make the most of it, loving
and giving of ourselves.

Countless blessings are ours
each and every day.


I am happy and upbeat nearly all of the time. Today, this afternoon, though, I find myself feeling a bit sad, partly due to missing those who are gone from my life, and way too soon. My brother was only 58 when he passed from a massive heart attack. Besides myself, my children, and our sisters, his 8 kids and many grandkids and great-grandkids, and his widow also miss him terribly.
One expects one's parents to live to a ripe old age before they die, and it seems more acceptable, but when the parent dies in their fifties, it's a severe blow, one from which it's hard to recover.

Just yesterday, two young men posted pictures of their deceased mother, who was only in her mid-fifties . Seeing her picture here on Facebook set me to crying, because she meant a lot to
me . My kids, husband and I all had known and loved April since she had barely turned 10 years
old, in 1964, May. She and my daughter, Candy had been friends from the beginning, and my son, Dwight, and daughter, Linda, were also friends with April and her siblings. Their Mom and I became friends, as well, and considered her 7 kids and my 3 as 'OUR' kids !
We loved all of them, and they loved us. My husband and I adopted them 'in our hearts' . One of them, Linda, married my son, thereby becoming our daughter-in-law
We've experienced the loss of 3 of Carol's kids, and we missed them. I still do. My husband ,too, is gone now, so I have to love those who are still here for both of us, and I do.

My thanks to Paul and Jeromie for posting their beloved Mom's pictures . I never got to know you two boys as well as I'd have liked, but did and do know your sister, Trista. I hope to get to
know you boys better...think April would have liked that.

In the last few years, there have been cancer scares for 2 of my own kids, and 1 of my grandchildren, Micah . Frightening times . One doesn't want to see their children go before them.
I thank God for allowing them to remain on the earth, for which I hope will be many, many more years. They are all good people and bring sunshine into many lives .

My niece, Jineen, has asked me for pictures of her Dad from when he was a young boy. I can only think of one snapshot, but haven't found it yet. Will keep looking. Maybe there will be others, don't know for sure.
Her and her 7 brothers still miss their Dad, my brother, as much now as at the time of his
passing . It's been nearly 19 years, and all his grandkids still speak of him with love, even though they were very young at the time. I truly believe that LOVE never dies. It lives
within our hearts, forever. Those who pass on are never forgotten.

I've been unusually somber today, but it will pass,
and I'll be my old, cheerful, goofy self again.
I refuse to become's too depressing :)
See, it's already happening !

We all must count our blessings each and every day.
I love ALL my family.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Quiet, so quiet
Feelings of peacefulness

Only sound coming from fans

Opportunity to think, to plan
Without distraction

To be able to garner one's thoughts
And form them into
Patterns, phrases, sentences

To write, oh to write !
What a gift,
A blessing from God

The power of the written word
Will never be abolished

It will co-exist with
Technological advances.
Right on into the future.

Technology's fine, but books
Are like fine, old wine
Aging gracefully,
Never out of style.

One cannot be quiet
With a keyboard
Clacking away,
But a book,
Ah, a book

One can spend
A very peaceful,
Quiet evening
Curled up in a chair,
Reading a book

Allowing the conveyance
Of another's words
To enter one's mind

Helping the reader to
Enjoy the experience

And thereafter
Dwell upon their meaning
In the reveries
Of Quietude.

I wrote this about a year ago one evening
when I hadn't turned on the TV, just wanting
to relax in the stillness, the quiet.
Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax
and enjoy being with oneself for a while.
I enjoyed penning this ( always write in
longhand first ), then typed it up later. I
just found out yesterday, that a well-known
writer, Jackie Collins, also writes in longhand
first. I haven't read any of her works, though.
Be sure to count your blessings
today and every day.


Monday, July 5, 2010


TV or not TV ;
Why am I so addicted ?
When I was a kid , in radio
the scenes were not depicted.

I used my imagination ;
the scenes were in my mind.
But now, I sit and stare at IT
and broaden my behind.

Sometimes I work while sitting,
but the 'EYE' is usually on ;
If radio shows could once more be,
the TV would be gone .

We'd go back to those yesterdays
when Radio was KING ...
adventure, romance, mystery ;
it gave us everything !

Excitedly we'd listen ,
and thrill to daring feats ;
we kids spent evenings home
instead of in the streets.

Ah, the good old days of radio
with programs you could trust ;
not like TV where we can see
its violence and lust.

Imagination ran the show ;
we didn't have to see
what Jack and Doc and Reggie did
on 'I Love a Mystery'

Daytimes you'd find us playing
outside in clean, fresh air ...
we exercised our bodies ;
had energy to spare.

But now the exercise I need
is getting off my butt
to turn the doggone TV off
and quit that mindless rut !

I wrote this back in 1994, I think, when watching TV was what
I mostly tended to do, as my main activity. So, I decided to
write about it, and see if that would spur me on to something
a little more productive. Or, stimulating, at least. Reading
AND writing became two of my hobbies ,

I hope you enjoy these offerings for today, and maybe give
you something to think about.

Thank you.

Count your blessings today and every day,


One can accumulate riches,
but if he lacks love ;
if he lacks compassion ...
he is the poorest of the poor.
If his heart is so empty inside
he has a poverty of the soul.

But the poorest person,
lacking material things,
if he has friends,
if he is loving
and compassionate ...
he possesses wealth
beyond compare.
He has inner peace
and tranquility,
and his soul
prospers and thrives.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Drummers drumming wildly,
the beat Quickening ;
Dazedly I twirl to the sound,
consciousness almost
slipping away, as I dance
to the delirious Beating
of the drums.

My heart beats in time
to the Movement.
Suddenly, the pace becomes
Frantic !
My heart Races ;
my skirt swirls about
as I twirl and dip and jump
to the Sound of the
Frenzied drums, Urging me to
go Faster and Faster !

Time is forgotten...
I dance with
Wild Abandon, as if
in a Hypnotic Trance.

I see Nothing...
I hear Nothing, but
the Drums.
Drums awaken
my Spirit, and
send it Soaring !

This came to me, after seeing a program in 1995,
called 'Faces of Culture', in which there were
people who, during a voodoo ceremony danced
to the drummers who were beating a wild rhythm, and going
at such a speed, as to cause the dancers to
become unconscious, or nearly so.
I felt that day and to this, very attuned to the sound
of drums. I love the beat of the drum, especially
when hearing native peoples drumming.
I hope you enjoy today's offering.

Let's remember we are One, and count our blessings every day

Friday, July 2, 2010


The cooking crew at a local zoo
decided to make something new
They made a stew-
now that's not new,
but this was not your normal stew.
This stew had such a different hue;
this stew was a gluey, new, blue stew

This really was a strange new brew;
this stuff the cooking crew called stew;
I didn't like the,
so I didn't eat that awful stew.
What would YOU do, would you
eat gluey, new, blue stew ?

That gluey stew of sapphire blue ...
Why, even they, the cooking crew
wouldn't even try their own blue stew.
Instead, they figured what to do ;
they'd feed it to the zoo's new gnu

They fed some to the hungry gnu .
The gnu did chew that new, blue stew.
He liked the stew, and gave a Moo;
a moo that said, "I like blue stew".
He ate one bowl of that blue stew
and then he had another, too.

He mooed and mooed for more blue stew;
he ate so much, that wings he grew !
A flying gnu who loved blue stew...
I've never heard of that, have you ?
The flying gnu just flew and flew
and then came back for more blue stew.

But then, I noticed something new,
the gnu who loved that strange, blue stew;
that stew that looked like blue stew glue,
had changed from brown to a different hue.
The gnu that ate so much blue stew
himself became a true blue gnu !!

Just a little bit of nonsense to brighten someone's day today.
This is something I wrote years ago for children.
Perhaps you can read it to your kids.
It might even put a smile on your face.
We all need to find things to make us laugh, especially now, in the light of
what's happening in our world today. I hope this fits the bill.

Count your blessings every day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Don't live your life with all its hurts
And omissions that were made
Think of life as a celebration
As a wonderful parade

Bands playing oom-pah-pah
As they march along the way
Lovely sights and happy faces
That we see from day to day

Don't depend on other people
To bring happiness to you
Make your own ; join the parade
And life's problems may be few

Find yourself IN the parade
Don't just sit and watch it go
Be a part of all the revelry
Be a feature of the show

Life is not a competition
Or a race we must endure
Do whatever makes YOU happy
What is your heart's treasure

Lift your head, smile, have some fun
Let your teardrops all run dry
The parade goes all too quickly
And it may, sadly, pass you by

I wrote this during a time when someone I dearly love was not
handling her situation very well...letting everything get to her,
feeling hurt and unloved. So, as I was feeling so sad for her,
I thought of how life goes by so quickly, and why let oneself live
this way, sad and unhappy, spending one's days being miserable.
We need to find what makes us happy and pursue that. It's up to
each one of us to live our lives in a way that brings us the
most fulfillment.

I hope you enjoy today's offering.

Let us count our blessings every day.