Sunday, February 13, 2011


Meg couldn't believe her eyes !
There was a Christmas stocking
hanging from the mantel !
She hadn't had one of those since
she was a child .
Where did it come from ?
Who had put it there ?
If her husband were alive, he
might have done it, but he'd died
two years ago .
She'd been looking for her wedding
ring ever since the day of the funeral .
Somehow, it had gotten lost, and
she'd been heartbroken. It was so
very special to her...all she had left
of Jim.
She shook her head and dried her tears,
and thought, 'Well, whoever had left
that stocking, I might as well
accept it'. She took it to her bedroom,
and sat cross-legged on her bed,
like she did when she was a little girl
and started emptying it...methodically,
the same way she did back then, one
item at a time.
A pretty bottle of perfume was at
the top...Obsession, her favorite !
then a package of Seashell stationery
she'd always liked . Next, a pair of
pearl-encrusted combs for her
long, dark hair that Jim used to remark
about . How he loved her shining,
luxurious hair !
Meg laughed, when she reached in
and pulled out a box of animal crackers.
That was one of her favorite stocking
treats when she was a child . There were
the other treats she remembered
receiving in her Christmas stockings ;
the box of filled Christmas candy, the
mixed nuts, the apple and orange...
oh ! it felt so good ; brought back such
happy childhood memories !
Near the bottom, she found an elegant
golden pair of dancing slippers, and
a tiny golden purse to match !
She and Jim had always danced
so well together. She was nearing
the bottom of the stocking now, and
she reached in for the expected coin,
like Santa had always given her, but
there, in the bottom, in the very
tippity- tip of the toe, was her
wedding ring !! She turned it around,
and found the inscription, 'For Meg,
I'll always be with you'... Jim .

I wrote this on November 30, 1997

I know it's a bit predictable, but I
enjoyed writing it. There's a little
of myself in there, with the food items
in the stocking. Every christmas my
sibs and I had those items in our
stockings, and we had a nickel in the
toe...pretty good money for a kid
back then. And, yes, we took our
stockings to our rooms and sat
like Meg, in the story, eating some
of our goodies.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the
story, juvenile though it seems now.



To those who, like me, have reached
a ripe, old age :

May you have good physical health
May you always be able to move
May you always be able to taste your food
May all your senses remain intact

May your brain continue to function
May you always know who and what you are
May you always be able to reason
May you always think young

May you always be able to see your children
and all your loved ones
May you always enjoy children's laughter
May you always hear your loved ones' voices

May you always retain the capacity to laugh
and enjoy a good joke
May you continue to enjoy the melodious
songs of the birds

May you enjoy many more sunrises
and sunsets
May you always feel and be
surrounded by love
May you always be forever young


I wrote this about a year ago, March, 2010,
and I wish this for not only myself, but all
us, as we grow older.
Time is passing so quickly now, seems like
even the young ones are growing old
right before our eyes !

So, it behooves everyone to enjoy life,
squeeze every bit of happiness into
every second, push the negative stuff
aside as quickly as possible, because
before you know it, you'll be where
I'm at now, saying, 'What the heck
happened ? Where did everything go,
and how did I get so old, so fast ?

Enjoy your lives, keep those you love
close to you, and invent ways to
be happy, not bored. don't waste time,
it's a precious commodity.

And share your love, be overly
generous with hugs and kisses, and
shower praise on all your loved ones,
for even their littlest efforts.

Be loving, kind, and compassionate ;
the same qualities you want extended to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read
my 'ramblings'.
I love you all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Each day we awaken is another gift from God.
What we do with each day is up to us.

Do we want to improve ourselves and
our relations with others ?
Or, do we sit and dream of what
Could have been, Should have been,
What wasn't done
What others did or said, or
What they didn't do or say.

Do we smile and say, let's see,
What can I do today, to
make my life worthwhile ?

Do we wish someone
would have done this for us,
or that for us ?
Or do we Seize each day, and
make the most of it ?

Do things for ourselves...
go out and buy a new purse, or
some other little luxury,
Go get our hair done,
go visit a friend,
Call, or write or E-mail ;
Send a card to someone,
letting them know you're
thinking of them.

What can I do with this day
the Lord has given me ?

I will try to be happy, to
make others smile,
to be glad, that they, too,
have another day to use
to help themselves, their
Families, friends and neighbors.

Even little things can
make a difference...
Make new friends ;
find the Joy in life.

We have but to open our eyes,
hearts and minds
to find it.
Grab onto it, share, and
spread it around.

Joy is contagious !

Rejoice in the fact that
You are Alive !!!


I wrote this on May 12, 2008
Don't recall what prompted it, perhaps
some of the very things that are contained herein.
Maybe I'd been sitting around, feeling something
was missing in my life ; that others should
somehow have helped to give my life
meaning. Or, perhaps, I was just waking up to
the fact that I am the one who can do
something to give myself a feeling of
fulfillment, no one else.
It's up to me to find ways to make
myself happy.

Well, whatever it was,
I'm glad I wrote this. Hope, after
reading it, you, too, can find meaning
in it for your own life.


Sometimes, great art emerges from
the hearts of tortured souls .
It comes in many forms...singing,
dancing, painting, sculpting,
writing, composing, playing music...

The troubled soul reaches out,
hoping for relief, to be able to escape
his inner torment ;
expressing his pain and fears
through his art.

The comic laughs at much, makes
jokes about many things, often about
his own life, his own misery,
putting it out there
in the form of jokes,
laughing on the outside
but crying on the inside.

He often uses expletives, from
the frustration of not knowing
just how to put into words,
to purge himself of all the anger,
hurt, resentment, sadness.

He vomits out
his misunderstood feelings,
to try to free himself
from the prison in which
his own heart and mind
keep him incarcerated.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes, when I hear or read great works
of beauty, love, or poignancy, I wonder,
Why can't I write like that ?

Why can't I write something so profound,
that those who read it might say,
'What depth ! What insight ! What wisdom !
What love and beauty this woman possesses !'

Why can't I write something so magnificent
with my usage of words, that it would evoke
passionate tears in the eyes of those who read it ?
That hearts would be filled with love,
understanding , compassion and gratitude
for their families, this country, and the rights
we all have, to worship (or not) as we please,
the privilege to vote for whomever we choose,
the right to love whomever we wish, to bring children
into this world (or not), and to teach them to
be good, kind and considerate of others, to
do well in school, and to become decent,
productive citizens.

Why can't I write of these things, of the joy
of a little baby taking his first steps,
uttering his first words, and watching him,
as he gazes in wonder at a tiny ant, struggling
to carry a heavy load, or a butterfly emerging
from its cocoon, or the look on his face, as
he touches, for the first time, the velvet
softness of a kitten ?

Why can't I convey my inner feelings
in what I write ; my innermost thoughts,
fears and aspirations...

Why can't I ?

This was written on Election Day,
November 2, 2004.
When I first started writing, years ago,
I thought it would be easy, and that
fame and fortune would come my way
some day. Well, I've since revised
my thinking, and realize that I'm not
a great writer, and, most likely will
never have the acclaim I thought
would come so easily .
So, I write for my own pleasure, and
that of my family. They seem to like
my meanderings, and give me lots of
pats on the back, and words of praise,
and now...for me, that's enough.

I have the love of some pretty
darned nice kids,
grandkids and great-grandkids.
A few friends, also.
What more could I ask ?

I love you, my darlins' .



If one looks at an 'ugly' person, and turns away,
He might be missing a great opportunity
To make a real friend.

Some people just cannot think of an 'ugly' person
As a 'friend' .

They only befriend people who, in their eyes, are
Beautiful, and only the beautiful people
Deserve to have friends.

How sad, and how shallow, to turn down
What could be a wonderful friendship,
because of 'looks' .

Some of the handsomest people are just
Mean... nasty inside, where it really matters.

If only folks would look beyond
Outer beauty, and into the heart and soul
Of the 'not so pretty' people.

They might find the truest friend
They'll ever have.

Look at Quasimoto... hard to look at,
A hunchback, who lumbered
Rather than walked, yet he had
A loving, beautiful, pure heart.
And didn't he win the heart of lovely
Esmerelda ?

Why can't people see that 'Pretty'
On the outside, means nothing, unless
They're Beautiful on the inside,
Possessing a kind and loving heart ?

One who has compassion for
Those not blessed with a 'pretty' face.
That would make them truly 'Beautiful !

I've seen this happen over and over
again, and it's sad to think there are
people who really think like this, that
a person isn't 'worthy' of their time
and friendship, just because they aren't
Well, it's their loss not to take the
opportunity to get to know someone
who may well have turned out to be
their best friend .

Something to think about.