Saturday, April 30, 2016

YESTERDAY... continued

My two oldest, Linda and Dwight, started shopping for me

when I was too busy doing all the myriad things

that housewives and mothers do.

I had taught them how to look for bargains, and

they learned quickly . They would go to a Mom and Pop store

on Eastland Ave. there in El Sereno  where we lived,

called Johnny's Market, and get several items, and then

they'd sometimes go to a produce market

on Valley Blvd. to get fresh fruit and vegetables.

They took Dwight's little red wagon, and came home

with lots of food, more than what I'd had on the list.

Think they told me they stole some of it ...

not right away, of course, or they'd have been punished.

Most of the trouble they got into was unknown to

their Dad and me...either they were very clever

at hiding that fact, or we were too naive .

I had these two also go to the laundromat, as

you already know, from my re-telling of  the tale

of Dwight fooling his sister into doing that

dangerous stunt of getting into the dryer and him

turning it on !!

Don't know how Linda managed to hide her bruises

from us...she must have made up something

about falling, maybe.

Whatever she and Dwight told us, we must have believed.

As with all their other adolescent antics, they

waited a lot of years, before telling us the truth .

To be continued, at a later date.

I hope you're not bored to tears just yet .

More stories coming, but this old gal

is galling asleep, so must  listen to my body,

and save the rest, until later.

I love ALL my large family and circle of friends

Now, as always, and hope your lives are fulfilling

and happy.

Remember to continue counting your blessings,

I love you all.



  1. Love,love, love it. I love your work and have been anxious for you to write again.
    I want more!!!!!
    Love, Sues

    1. Wow, thanks, sweetheart ! It's just a beginning, hoping to write more, better stuff soon ! I love you, and thanks for the feedback ! <3
