Friday, April 29, 2016


It was only yesterday that three little towheads were romping about

Happily playing the games that children play

Not a care in the world. As it should be.

A few years went by like this

The three children grew into young manhood

and young womanhood

In those growing years, they experienced many things,

some good, some not so good

They learned many things on their own

Without the help of either of us, their Mom and Dad.

They learned how to swim, how to ride bikes

How to acquire things, without paying for them.

We were poor, and being kids, they figured out ways

to get what they wanted.

We didn't know any of this, until years later...

I was shocked at some of the things they had done

But, as they told me when all grown up, it seemed funny

and we laughed together, at some of the funniest things.

When Dwight related how he tricked his sister, Linda,

into climbing into the laundromat dryer, his way of

telling the story was so hilarious, I laughed until I cried !

Then, there was the story of how all three of them would go

into a local Mom&Pop store, and steal candy, chips, etc.

the two older ones, that is...they wouldn't allow

their little sister,  Candy, to take anything .

1 comment:

  1. This is the first I've written in 4 years. Just a start, mind you. Hope to
    write more and better stuff soon. Sorry it has been so long..a lot has happened in the past few years, and I felt my muse had deserted me.

    Bear with me, as I strive to recover my muse and work at writing more clearly and sharper .

    As always, remember to count your blessings each and every day .

    I love you, my family and friends !

