Sunday, March 27, 2011


What wonderful creatures are teenagers !
They're so complex, yet so
Mysterious .
Really in a category by themselves,
No longer children, yet not adults, either.
They can drive us to distraction, yet at times
Make us weep with joy.
Today, March 27th, 2011, my daughter,
Candy, sent me a group of pictures.
They were of a huge rock in Iowa,
That had been written on for
Generations of teenagers, all
Manner of things, from the simple
'Johnny loves Mary' stuff, to all kinds of
Profanity, etc.
Then, along comes this boy, this
Teenager, who looks at the rock and sees
So much more potential in it.
He brings his paints and brushes and
Sits down, studies this rock for a bit,
Before deciding just how to go about
Presenting his artistry.
He started to paint, and what he
Portrayed on that rock is something that
Will be looked at and talked about for
Years to come.
This teenager, this kid, made the rock
Into a Memorial for all those who serve
In the U.S. armed forces.
I will be sending the pictures to all on
My E-mail list, and hope you all will
Forward it to everyone on your lists.
Next time we think of how badly
Some teens are acting up, please
Give a thought to this boy, who, although
At the time he painted these memorable
Scenes from our country's history, was
Too young to know what war is all about,
Still seemed to have so much love and
Understanding in his heart, for the
Sacrifices made by so many, and made
A glorious Memorial to all those
Who have fought and / or died,
In all the wars in which
Our country has been engaged.
Next time some teenager is giving you a
Hard time, try to listen to them,
Try to see the point they're
Trying to make, try to make some sort of
Compromise, meet them half-way,
And love them as if there's no tomorrow,
Because sometimes there isn't.
Think of this particular boy, and know that
There are so many more, just like him
Who only need to be listened to, and
Understood, and loved, no matter what !
Teenagers truly are wondrous creatures !!

I hope all you parents who read this
will look into your hearts, and realize
how much we all influence our children.
Those of us beyond child-rearing age
can look back and see the mistakes
we made with our own kids, and hope
that today's parents of young kids
will learn from our mistakes and do
a better job of listening to their kids
and help them to become healthier,
better adjusted adults than some of
our kids turned out.
We weren't bad parents, just misguided,
bringing up our kids the only way we
knew ; the way we were brought up.
Whether right or wrong, they and then
we, did the best we could, with the
knowledge and experience we had.
The kids and teens of today have it
really rough, living in an unsure world,
not knowing whether we will have to
fight a war here in our own country,
which could be a possibility, the way
things are going, with so many wrong
choices being made, so much unrest
here and in the rest of the world, so
much fighting for domination and power.
The least we adults can do for these
young people, these teenagers, and even
those a little older, is to listen to their
problems, their grievances, and show
them that we are listening, really,
truly, hearing them, and that they can
count on us to be there for them,
whatever is happening, whatever to them
is so important, even to the boy/girl
dramas, which to them, means so much.
They need to know that we care enough
to listen, to hold them when they are in
anguish, to just sit quietly sometimes,
while they pour out their feelings.
We must, if there is to be any hope
for these precious kids, and for our
nation, which they will be running,
governing, some day in the future.

Remember, we all were teenagers once,
and whether we got what we needed
or not, from the experience, we know
what we felt, what we needed, and we
can call upon those memories, those
feelings, and try to do better with our kids
or grandkids.
We must not dwell upon the mistakes
we made in the past, we just have to
do our best to help our kids NOW.
The past is done and over with, we
have to deal with what is going on
at the present time. Our kids, and we,
ourselves are worth the time and effort.

Let's continue to count our blessings,
today and every day.
I love you all, my dearest ones.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


You know, when I speak to people,
especially those I love, I sometimes
want to get across a point that I feel
needs to be addressed, and think I do
it in such a way as to irritate them.
I sometimes speak a little louder
or use cuss words to emphasize
the point.

I don't mean to hurt anyone's
feelings, but think I do, unintentionally.
Sometimes I feel it's the only way
to make them understand; to feel
the importance of what I'm trying
to bring to their attention.

My voice is not unduly loud, so
sometimes have to raise it
to be heard.

Also, when excited, I sometimes
speak louder than intended, and
people think I'm angry. I'm not,
just so anxious to get the person
to understand what I'm trying to say.

Sometimes, I feel as though
I'll never be heard
unless I raise my voice.

Frustration sometimes
makes me louder.
When I feel someone isn't
really listening, isn't getting
the point I'm trying to make,
it is indeed, frustrating

So, if I've given any of you
the wrong idea, or getting you
upset or angry with me,
please re-think whatever
it is that we talked about,
and realize that I sometimes
come across differently
than was the intention.

I love everyone so much,
and would never do or say
anything to purposely
hurt you, so please realize
that I do get carried away
with my zeal. Sometimes.

I love you all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Many of us have
Deep in our psyches
Some very dark secrets
Buried deep inside
Where we don't have to
Look at them

Some for which we feel
So much shame
As to make us feel
Unworthy of others
Unworthy of love
Unworthy of even
Deserving to live

Vilifying ourselves
Allowing others to
Vilify us
Feeling we deserve it

The outward effects
Diminish our lives
Keeping us depressed
Confused, wondering
Not knowing
Why we have these feelings

Are there sins we committed
Or that others committed
Upon us
Deeds we omitted
Wondering why so many
things in life seem to go

We need to dig deep, find
The demons, uncover the
Bring them to the surface
To our conscious mind
Where we can look at them
And allow ourselves to
Feel the hate, disgust
Allow the tears of frustration,
Anger, sorrow, regret
All, to come out and
Deal with them

Come to the realization
That we are only, after all,
Human beings, with all
the vagaries of humanness
To control us
feeling shame, disgust and
Fear of being found out

So, we bury these
Secrets, experiences, memories
Down deep, along with
The emotions we felt
At the time
Keeping us from living life
to it's fullest, diminishing
Our joys and happiness

If never resolved
We will continue to
Our own private

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Every thought that comes into our minds,
every word that we utter goes out
into the Universe.
Each person has access to everyone else's
thoughts and words.
We need to be aware of this, and conduct
ourselves in such a way, so as to not think
or say hurtful or hateful things.
Our words and thoughts can be picked up
by anyone in the Universe, so we need
to think and speak kind words and
thoughts... not always easy to do ;
we're not Pollyanas.
We're human, and we do and say unkind
or thoughtless things --- I know I do,
but I never mean to hurt anyone. Of
course, I do hurt people, just as most
of us do, without it being our intention.
I strive to be a kinder, more understanding
person, yet I sometimes fall short.
Why ? Because, like you, I'm human,
with all the quirks and foibles that
being human entails.
To that end, we must try harder to
be good, decent love
ourselves and others, and to always
remember to be cognizant of what
we are thinking and saying.
It matters.


I wrote this on April 27, 2007.
We must be kinder, more loving
to ourselves and each other, and
hope that, in doing so, people now
and perhaps many years from now
will pick up on our good thoughts
and make a difference on this
earth, and the whole Universe.
Maybe one day, kindness and
love will rule our Universe, rather
than the greed and corruption
so prevalent now, in our time.
Is there hope for the human race
yet ? I pray it will be so.
Until such time, we must all
do our part, so that future generations
may benefit, and live in peace
and harmony.

Let's all count the many blessings
we have, and appreciate what and
who we have in our lives, now, and
also those we have loved , but are
gone. We can continue to love
them and keep their memory in
our hearts.

I love all of you, my sweet family.