Friday, August 5, 2016



Do people nowadays know how important books are ?

Some kids, rather than look at the printed page, look at videos and movies, maybe even
watch a documentary on TV., to get the information they need for tests their schools require of them.

Some adults do also, and they advise the kids to prepare for their tests using these means, rather
than have them pick up a book and READ for the necessary information !

Kids are failing in school, and some will not be able to graduate and go out into the world to
make a living, as they will NOT be prepared for any kind of work . They will have to be content with doing menial work for little pay and no chance for advancement .

If any kids hope one day to become a doctor, nurse, lawyer, business person, politician, etc. they
MUST know how to read the printed page, and be able to write !

Who will run the country if everyone is illiterate ??

Parents, Teachers, PLEASE be sure to provide printed books for your children and students .
TEACH them how to read !! 

Stop plying them with electronic GADGETS !  These things are changing the way their brains work, I believe !!  Give them BOOKS instead of all these brain-destroying TOYS !!

Books make them do not !   The world is run by thinkers, not the robots made by these toys  that steal away their desire and ability to THINK !!

Next time your child asks for the newest electronic gadget, give them a book instead, and insist they READ !!  Show them the wonderful worlds that reading opens up to them ; help them to use their
imagination !! They can 'see' different countries and their customs,  learn about their culture, and
many other things that only books can truly provide . 

Let them use their 'toys' only as a reward for reading a certain amount.  Then, for a limited time.
Insist they put away and turn off their electronics when reading, having dinner as a family around the table, interacting with other family members...looking at them when speaking, not looking down at their phones !

If more adults would practice this behavior themselves, perhaps the kids would see the value
in reading books . 

Until next time,

count your blessings and READ !!!



  1. Wow, Mom, I guess my Facebook post hit a nerve. :) I don't know that the world as we know it will end if kids use their electronic gadgets, but I agree that reading is super important...and extremely gratifying and relaxing. <3

  2. "Siz yıkarsınız biz yeniden yaparız...Korkunuz çok büyük biliyoruz...Pianomuzun tuşlarını kırmanızdan biliyoruz...Korkaksınız,acizsiniz" #GrupYorum
