Saturday, May 19, 2012


Why is it that we women
Put a hand to our chest

When hearing of a tragedy,
Or what might be one
Our hand flies to our chest.

What does this mean ?

Could it be because that's
Where our heart is ?

The heart, wherein resides love,
When those we love
Are threatened, or we even
Think they are in danger,

We feel it, in our heart,

In our throat, because we
Cannot swallow the thought
That something awful
Has or Might have happened

Sometimes, our hand flies
Up to our mouth
As if to hold in
A scream.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Before we come to Earth
we are given a round-trip ticket
so that, when we finish our sojourn here,
we can go back Home .

We come here to this planet
full of excitement and expectations.
Upon our birth as a human being
we embark on our life's journey.

This is a wondrous place,
full of adventure, things to see and do .
People are mostly kind, but
we soon learn that some are not.

It's up to us to decide how
to handle Life's vicissitudes .
Do we enjoy it, get satisfaction from it,
or do we allow it to defeat us,
destroy our spirit ?

Do we learn as we go along;
do we figure out the best path to take,
or do we huddle within ourselves
and hide from the realities of life ?

It behooves us to learn quickly and adapt
to the changes that come, often unexpectedly .
It isn't easy; there are many obstacles
in our path. We have to either go around
or leap over them .

We have lessons to learn while here
in this Earth school .
Only when we have completed them,
will we use the 'Return' part of our
Round-trip ticket, and go back
to where it all began...Home .

This was written 3 days ago, the day
I wrote 'Life's Illusions', after hearing from my son
about his declining health.
I have written before about the fact
that we live here for just a short while, then
go back, return that life to the One who gave it
to us, but that phone call from Dwight, started
me thinking of it again, about the fragility of life,
and how it can be gone in a millisecond .
All the silly bickering, and pursuing riches, and
power are so foolish. As we've heard so many times
in this life...'you can't take it with you', so why
put so much time and energy in chasing after
those ,oh, so temporary things ?
Our time is best spent in loving and being loved,
and showing that love at every opportunity .
Love is what lasts, even beyond death.
I love all my children and grandchildren
and great-grandchildren. I love the children
whom my late husband and I 'adopted in our hearts'.
and all my close and distant relatives, and friends.
I believe that was God's purpose in sending
us to populate the Earth, to spread His love
to all mankind and to all His creatures .
I love you all, now and forever.


March 14, 2012