Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today my niece, Sue, posted a picture
of my late father, Edward C. Boyden.
I had seen this pic only once before,
when Sue had made DVD's for each of
her cousins and me, of her Mom,
Anne A. Hadfield on some occasion.
I don't think that was a birthday DVD,
but could be wrong.

Anyway, Sue had included this picture
of her grandfather on that DVD. When I
viewed that DVD, it evoked a chuckle,
but today, upon seeing it here on
Facebook, I said, "That's my Daddy",
and burst into tears !!

Why the strong reaction ? I don't
really know, unless it's related to the fact
that my big sister just passed on Memorial
Day, just 9 days ago, and that is still very
fresh in my mind.
I've been having those
thoughts that I think most folks have
when they lose someone as close as a
sibling . You know, thinking, 'I'll have to
ask Anne', or 'I'm going to call Anne
to tell her' something. Or a book or TV
show you want to discuss with her, or
want to ask her about how to make
some dish you want to eat,
temporarily forgetting that she's
no longer here to talk to.

Maybe because of that so recent loss
of my beloved sister, Anne,
the picture of my father brought
a renewed sense of loss, and the
tears were just barely below the surface,
ready to erupt at any time.

It was sweet of Sue to post this one
of my Dad, and I thank her for it.
Made me very happy to see him.

She has been going through her Mom's
old pictures, letters and cards, and
posting some pictures on F/B that I've never
even seen before. I love that, and hope
she keeps on doing it.

That way, too, some family members,
who never got to meet their ancestors
can see what they looked like. I hope
all these younger relatives enjoy seeing
their great-grandparents, and great
aunts and uncles, etc.

So, thanks to Sue Hall, we all can
enjoy these lovely and some funny
family pictures.

Thank you, sweetheart...keep posting !

I love you, loved your Mom, and love
seeing these pictures. Please put more
and more, as you come across them.