Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Am I happy ?
Yes, I'm as happy as I allow myself to be.
Do I not have any worries or concerns ?
Of course I do, but will not allow myself
to become down-hearted and depressed.

It doesn't help, but impedes my thinking,
my hope that things will get better.

I refuse to let the worries I have
about my family's health problems
get me down .
Rather, I subscribe to the school
of thought that things will improve,

draw towards us that which we desire,
in this case, happiness, and better health.

Is it possible to be happy in this
crazed, greedy, corrupt, war-torn
world ?
I say, Yes, but it will take work,
concentration, focus to bring about
the atmosphere with which I,
or we, desire to surround ourselves.

Diligence in watching our thought
patterns can bring this about.

But, neglecting to maintain the
positive atmosphere, can make the
Law of Attraction work just the
opposite, and bring about that which
we do not want, that which we fear
and in which we despair. Those things
will be attracted to us; the very things
we want to put out of our lives.

It takes strength and determination
to remain steadfast in attracting
what we want in our lives. We
can't let our thoughts flit about
willy-nilly, if we want any measure
of control, any measure of
peace of mind.

We must guard against those
destructive thoughts of
unworthiness, self-pity, and worry
asserting themselves again,
if we ever hope to have what
we want in our lives, some measure
of happiness and contentment.

So, yes, it is possible to be
relatively happy, but we must
work towards that end.

A field lying fallow
does not produce anything,
but a field that is enriched with
the necessary nutrients, and
worked on daily, diligently, will
produce an abundant, luscious crop !

Our minds are those fields, and
if we daily feed it good, positive
thoughts, we will see an abundance
of joy and contentment.

And that should make us happy.

Please, all of you, count the blessings
you have now, and be content.

I love each and every one of you,
my super-large family. You all
are very special to me.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"Will true Spirit come forward, please?"
Nobody moves.
They all just stand there, some looking down, some staring straight ahead,
yet others watching each other in expectation.
"Who will step forward?"
Again, silence.

After a very long time, a shadowy, dark form moves slowly out of the crowd.
It shuffles toward the speaker.
"No, no, you're not Spirit........you're too dreary; full of sadness and suffering.
I feel much misery in you. Go back.

Another glides forward, smiling provocatively, "Will I do" ? it asks .
"You can't be Spirit. You pursue only pleasure and thrills. Go back to your place.

"Perhaps I'm the one you're looking for". Another has spoken.
It marches forward smartly, in true military fashion, clicking it's heels, as it stops
directly in front of Speaker.
Speaker looks Military up and down, feeling the ugliness of war, hate and killing.
Speaker orders it back.

"Hey, Dude, maybe I'm your guy." Oh boy, this one is even less like Spirit
than the others. As it comes forward in it's filthy garb, it is just finishing a can of beer,
which it casually tosses aside. After an enormous belch, it pops a cigar in it's mouth
and lights it, strutting all the while. As it comes closer, Speaker recoils from the stench,
and tells that one to return.

Another approaches. then another and another, each claiming to be Spirit, until at last,
they have all been seen.
But none of them have the magical child-like essence that only Spirit possesses.
Spirit must be gone, forever.
Speaker is very disheartened, and turns to leave.
But, wait !

A tiny voice is heard, from way in back of the pack, muffled by the density of the crowd.
A hush comes over them.
"Wait", it says. I'm here. I am Truth and Light and Love".

The crowd parts, and a brilliant radiance fills the room, so bright that they have to
shield their eyes.
It steps forward, almost floating, as it moves gracefully towards Speaker.
Speaker knows in his heart that this is true Spirit .

"But where have you been? Where did you go?, Speaker asks.
'I've been so lonely, and have had such an emptiness in me".

"I've been here all the time, but it became so dark and crowded, my light was extinguished,
and I fell asleep. I was hidden under all the misery, ignorance, fear and pretense. But, now,
you have exposed them for what they are, and have taken their power from them.
I've awakened from my sleep, and I'm here to be with you always".

Spirit moves toward Speaker, arms outstretched, and melts right into Speaker's body.
Speaker is at once filled with love, warmth and radiant energy.
"Never again will I allow myself to lose Spirit", he says.

I wrote this on April 10, 1993
There were a couple of lines at the end, that I have left out. They don't seem to fit any more.
This seems to fit in somewhat with my last piece here, I think. Hope you all enjoy it.

I love all of you.