Saturday, April 30, 2011


Darkness can be frightening
Can't see anything, therefore
one becomes full of fear.
We cannot see in the dark,
unlike animals whose eyes allow
them to see perfectly.

Darkness of the Spirit
is more frightening.
If one embraces that darkness,
he cannot see what is ahead of him,
any more than when there is
artificial light to see by, or any
sunlight to illuminate our Earth,
or moonlight to give a gentle
glow in the evening.

The inner darkness is
all-pervasive; it keeps out,
blocks any light, any hope
of being able to see beyond the dark.

Bad feelings ... hurt, pain, anger,
despair, sadness, confusion, terror,
unworthiness, dread, violence
and loneliness reside in that place.

To embrace darkness is to close
oneself off from light, to choose
to be in that self-imposed prison
from which there may be
no escape, no hope.

If one chooses to wallow in
all that mud of bad feelings,
all that muck, is to condemn
oneself to a life of misery.

There is hope, a way out,
if one chooses to take it, to
escape from that awful prison.
He must face those feelings,
confront each of them, and make
the decision to conquer them,
put them out of existence,
once and for all time.

The darkness is very powerful,
but you are more powerful than
your feelings.
You must gather up your strength
to be able to face down these demons,
Don't let them conquer you !
Examine each one, find it's flaws,
its weaknesses.

You must take control of your
own mind and heart, and
defeat your enemy, those terrible
feelings that have grabbed hold
of you, and don't want to let go.

Feelings are intangible, without
substance. You, your mind, is real,
and only you can pull yourself up
out of the muck and mire of
bad feelings. Only you can
chase those bad feelings away.
Take control, and free yourself
from that cold, damp prison cell.

I hope you will carefully read
these words, and take them to heart.
You MUST take control and stop
letting these rotten feelings run
rampant through your mind and heart.
You CAN do it; others have done it,
and you have to fight hard, every day,
every time one of these negative feelings
comes over you. Stop and look at it, see
how weak it really is, and without your
consent, it really has NO power.
When the next one comes along, do
the same thing. As you do this to each
of them, they will lose whatever power
they have had over you, and you can then,
as the saying goes, 'kick it to the curb'.
It won't be easy, it will take strength
and vigilance to see it coming and
head it off, before it can do any harm.
As each one leaves, replace it with a
positive thought or feeling, and if
you do this consistently, one day, all
those lousy feelings will be a thing
of the past, and you will be full of,
if not actual happiness, at least
contentment, peacefulness, and serenity.

I am praying for you, please do this
for yourself. Never mind what the people
in your life say, their words do not matter.
What you say to yourself, what YOU
think, is what matters.
Take charge of your life, your destiny.

I love you.


Monday, April 4, 2011


Oh, no, the soul can not be lost.
It knows exactly where it is,
where it is going and why.

The human, however, CAN be lost,
floundering, not knowing who
he is, where he is, and
where he's going... or how
he is going to get there, or
even WHY he is going.

The human stumbles along,
meeting obstacle after obstacle,
and either learns how to overcome
each one he encounters, or
spends LIFETIMES, trying
to learn how to overcome them.

The human is frail, and can be
easily stumbled or confused,
whereas the soul possesses great
strength, and resources for knowing
who, what, how, where, when and why.

The soul has infinite patience
and can wait as long as necessary
to fulfill it's deep longing to
be 'Home' .

Although we sometimes have to
come back, again and again to
this life, we know that we were
sent here to learn something.
Once the soul becomes human,
it forgets the purpose, the reason
why it came to Earth. There is
a reason, but that reason becomes
lost or confused in the human
brain. It's there, but life's experiences
tend to keep it hidden or in
abeyance until such time as the soul
realizes it has fulfilled its purpose
here on Earth and is ready to go
to its original HOME, to God,
to whom the soul belongs,
there to reside forever in peace,
harmony and love with all it's
fellow souls who have completed
their journeys as well.

I wrote this back in 1995, and just came across
it yesterday. thought it was pretty good,
so decided to post it in hopes that some
of you will enjoy it as well.

Keep counting your blessings, and know that we,
the human race, are all ONE.

I love you.